Goodbye... Zen. Shakou Shakou Shikyo


85 Draenei Paladin
I am writing this to address events occurring in the last two days, and several weeks since the council was dissolved. I have been an officer in Zen and have participated as a HDS Raid Leader / main tank for the last 8 months.

First to my friends in Zen, those of you I raided beside night after night for the last year thank you for making the guild worth being a part of, thanks for pushing yourselves to the top of the alliance food chain and allowing me your raid leading and tanking positions, it has been an honor, and I will miss each of you for the quality of game play we created together, that kept me coming back.

Second, to the new guild leadership, a few parting words so that you and others may know why I could not stomach the thought of staying in your shell of a guild for a moment longer. Altruism, integrity, accountability, responsibility, and transparency are values required in every person that sits on power, when a leader exhibits none of these aspects and demands unilateral authority while squelching free speech this is the tyranny of a dictatorship and betrays just how twisted he regards those he would see as subservient to him.

I am heartbroken to leave what we have spent so much time building outside the the unending shadow of former patriarchs, watching as everything that flourished so well in a community where everyone's voice was heard was dismantled in three days, and most of all I am saddened that your tyrant thinks himself a god and rules through politics second guessed and unchecked by noone.

Sooner or later, many of you will realize just as I did when he came back after abandoning this guild for close to a year, This is no longer a place where quality and integrity can exist, and the disgust I feel towards the treatment of raiders, the unchecked politics that allow kiss asses and brown nosers to get away with bloody murder, the arrogance and ignorance of leadership as a whole... is too much for me to stomach and entirely detrimental to my health.

I am sad to say, I must leave, I can only hope that you people who wish to be ruled over wise up to the facts I have presented, because zen will burn, before the greed in leadership yields to the voice of it's constituency.

Shakou Shakou Shikyo.

Democracy is the voice of your guild guided by quality and council of your officers, and direction of your guild leader. Equality Intelligence and Altruism Make this society great.

Goodbye my friends.
Edited by Shikyø on 8/19/2012 11:37 AM PDT
90 Human Rogue
Well just by looking at this post I can tell you are every upset, and I personally think you need to calm down.

BTW one question: why do you call everyone else immature? I mean clearly you are the immautre one if you have to make a post on fourms for other non-guildies to see when you could have just whispered your friends. and moved on like the "mature" person you claim to be and such. But that is just my opion so have a great day!
90 Worgen Druid
Edited by Shikyø on 8/19/12 11:37 AM (PDT) I am writing this to address events occurring in the last two days, and several weeks since the council was dissolved. I have been an officer in Zen and have participated as a HDS Raid Leader / main tank for the last 8 months.

well, since you decided to air Zen's dirty laundry on the forums, guess I've got to give my 2 cents. Why someone would come here to post this kind of thing is beyond me, but I guess thats wow forums for you. were you looking for some pity here? I mean, this is the wow forums... you wont get anything but "TLDR noob!" and "Cry some more." Getting all upset and G-quitting was kinda childish if you ask me. As for being such a hot s*!% raid leader, you were given the job and blew it. I've run in your raids and they were one of the reasons I left the game for a few months.

Second, to the new guild leadership, a few parting words so that you and others may know why I could not stomach the thought of staying in your shell of a guild for a moment longer. Altruism, integrity, accountability, responsibility, and transparency are values required in every person that sits on power, when a leader exhibits none of these aspects and demands unilateral authority while squelching free speech this is the tyranny of a dictatorship and betrays just how twisted he regards those he would see as subservient to him.

Whoa! Whoa! "new" guild leadership? Wait, did YOU think you were the leader?!? Bwahahaha! Pen is the OLD leadership of Zen and happily things are getting back to being Zen again. Biggestbear did an excelent job running things, but I think even he knows he was just saving Pen's seat for him. All those values you listed describe Pen to anyone who knows him. He just doesnt tolerate arrogant know-it-alls. Lets just address those qualities you listed Shall we?
Altruism: Pen uses his own time and money to buy things needed for the guild. He spends his game time playing the AH so people like you, who never gave a thought about it could have guild provided cauldrons and enchantments. NO ONE in our guild has ever paid for an enchantment as long as Pen has had the mats.
Integrity: If Pen says something, he means it. He told you to take on the job of leading heroic progression... you failed. Whose integrity were you questioning again?
Accountability: Hmmm... fail at making progression... accept resposibility or argue in vent with guild leader... which to choose? Pen has always been accountable where it comes to Zen. It's not you who catches hell in trade chat, it's Pen. He rides that wave and takes the heat for us.
Responsibility: No one in this guild has been more responsible for the actions of Zen than Pen. If we fail he lights the fire under our butts, berates and scolds as needed. He herds the cats in 25 mans and ensures we stay on focus. He LEADS us, and for the longest time Zen's been a bit lost.
Transparency: What exactly has not been transparent? Pen has always stated clearly what our goals were, what anyone's job was, etc. Any transaction from the guild bank has always been out in the open.

I am heartbroken to leave what we have spent so much time building outside the the unending shadow of former patriarchs, watching as everything that flourished so well in a community where everyone's voice was heard was dismantled in three days, and most of all I am saddened that your tyrant thinks himself a god and rules through politics second guessed and unchecked by noone.

Just what work did you do? I sure didnt see any. I'm puzzled by the politics statement too. Truth is you got butt-hurt when he wanted you to take a player you personally didnt like on a raid. Pen had to step in and scold you AND him BOTH and you took it personal and g-quit. Real mature. Theres some leadership quality for ya!

Sooner or later, many of you will realize just as I did when he came back after abandoning this guild for close to a year, This is no longer a place where quality and integrity can exist, and the disgust I feel towards the treatment of raiders, the unchecked politics that allow kiss asses and brown nosers to get away with bloody murder, the arrogance and ignorance of leadership as a whole... is too much for me to stomach and entirely detrimental to my health.

WOW! this is a loaded statement! No one in Zen kisses Pen's !@#... he wouldnt tolerate it. I play in Zen because I like raiding with Pen. I stopped wanting to raid a few months ago because you were running the raid. Zen's back on track finally. Pen said right after your rage quit, he'd have no problem with you coming back after you cooled down if you wanted, but I wouldnt want you to have any stomach trouble, so enjoy your raiding life in another guild.

Zen's been around longer than you've played WoW, it will be around long after you change over to "Hello Kitty Island.
Edited by Farri on 8/19/2012 5:44 PM PDT
87 Blood Elf Paladin
While I may Agree to much of what you say. I remain Faithful to the Zen that I joined. And I hope everyday, that the days of The bear and of Progress may yet again. shine through. till then I will Survive. The Fuhrer fell once. it is only time. Stay strong friend.
85 Goblin Shaman
Are you leaving Warcraft? Do you really care about your "friends" otherwise something like this post you did Shikyø sounds to me is that you were kicked out or asked to step down from your mighty role as a Raid leader and are somewhat butt hurt.

I do not see any reason you would take your private so called "mature" way of handling things and bring your drama to the public forms in hopes that you will find support with your ranting.

Also so you know Democracy does not truly exist in Warcraft your guild leader should and gets the final say. If you cry for respect, then you should show it back and go with what your leader has said. Blizzard could take your toon, guild, gear or anything else away they want... where is your Democracy and such then?

If your goodbye is that your leaving World of Warcraft then have a good life in what you do in this world, but if your not leaving WoW and are doing this to Cry and Rant... then your a TOOL and a troll. GOOD DAY SIR ! !

and Zen, happy trails in your raids I wish you the best now having to deal with one more less drama in your guild !
90 Human Priest
While flowery and poetic, I doubt anyone will want to read that gibberish. I can streamline it into a more concise paraphrase in an effort to help folks understand it better. Here you go:

Dear World, I didn’t get my way so I nerd-cry /gquit like a baby and now I am going to QQ on the forums because nobody wants to hear it anywhere else.

Pretty fair and accurate assessment, yes?

Look, you’re a decent player and I feel that your heart is in the right place. But, you’re just not able to focus on your duties. You get far too tied up in drama, or create too much of it yourself.

This forum post stands as a direct example of that.

You were assigned the prestigious position of a raid leader. You crumbled under the pressure and disappeared for two weeks immediately after accepting the responsibility. You let your team down and all the while you were stirring the pot of self-pity emotional drama. This is unacceptable behavior from a leader in this guild.

“Zen will burn…” We’ve heard that countless times from every butt-hurt little reject that comes and goes. And yet… here we are, celebrating our third year as a successful guild. I very seriously doubt that any amount of your pathetic crying on the WoW forums will affect the longevity or success of this rock-solid guild community. Go ahead; flood the forums with your tears if you think that will make you feel better. *yawn*

You speak of democracy, and about a leader knowing the needs and feelings of the constituency. Just for your own knowledge, the overwhelming consensus is a disappointment in you. You are a good player and could be an asset to the guild community, but sadly you just cannot seem to get with the program and get over the drama. This has proven to be your demise, and it certainly is a shame. I had much more faith and expectations for you than what you have shown us.

You certainly could have played this out much better, and could have enjoyed a very nice position in the guild. Unfortunately, the self-pity and drama are just something you cannot get over.

If you ever decide to get over yourself and want to be a productive and positive attribute in our guild, we would welcome you back as one of our own. I mean that, sincerely. You’re a good guy, and a good player… we all like you and enjoy playing with you… but that doesn’t mean we want to hear the drama or put up with your crap.

And I certainly will not tolerate the way you have spoken to some of my in-game friends, or bend to ultimatum threats about hurting us by leaving. You see just how far that sort of thing got you, right?

I wish you all the best, in life and in WoW,
- Penelopae
90 Worgen Druid
While flowery and poetic, I doubt anyone will want to read that gibberish. I can streamline it into a more concise paraphrase in an effort to help folks understand it better. Here you go:

Dear World, I didn’t get my way so I nerd-cry /gquit like a baby and now I am going to QQ on the forums because nobody wants to hear it anywhere else.

BWAHAHAHAHA! Pen Yer mah hero! (insert butt kissing sounds here)
90 Human Death Knight
Come on everyone, we are all Entitled to an opinion. and whether it was smart to do it on the Troll boards or not. it is just that. a Voiced opinion. hopefully Our friend got it off his Chest. down the road we can all Kiss and Make up. Gods knows Worse has been given 9th and 10th chances. Heroics is a Stressful Life Style. and Pen has been a Big Change to the ways. whether for the better or not has yet to be seen.
90 Draenei Priest
Oh what is all this now. A person we considered an ally, QQ'ing. God I hate repeats. I mean seriously, can't T.V. come out with something fresh? Oh wait, this isn't tv is it. So there shouldn't be drama. But Drama is a form of television. Did I create a paradox?
21 Dwarf Shaman
While i respect your words sadly my friends the forums are pens domain you cant prove a point or win a fight against him here. Just stay strong hang ina dn try to enjoy your game for what its worth to you.
85 Draenei Paladin
Simple men will always ask for their kings to divine gods will, only the most detestable of fools will claim to know it with clever bias.

All of you know me well as someone calm collected humble, and most importantly fair, and all of you will watch the evil i become to your guild, the toxicity my name will spin in the hindsight of fantasy and bias... Until I fade... and you forget me entirely.

Penelopae's words have no meaning as they are an entire misrepresentation of my character and dedication to this guild, I was sick for a week and nearly in the ER and unable to play, but before that I as raid leading day in day out with little relief for months. Yet you who know literally nothing of heroic dragon soul raiding to the point where you run into trash and die have the gall to force under geared and under qualified people in Heroic raids and the audacity to not only call me out for telling you the truth about your crappy decisions but you so entirely insulted everything I have done for this guild in front of an entire raid assembly. this is the ignorance and arrogance I speak of.

I understand my place in all of this and I know my friends, I aim my words to speak our observations, I left the guild because this was no longer a place of humility or respect, It was no longer a place of integrity and mutual opportunity, instead it festers... where the player base is so concerned with kissing !@# they forgot to treat each other with quality, and that disgusts me, especially when i know you all are better and more capable of rising above such pettiness.

I am not airing dirty laundry, nor am I trolling, or crying, I only posted here because it was a convenient venue for me to voice opinions denied opportunity in guild chat and squelched by overbearing ignorance. I aim my words as a goodbye to something I invested much of myself into, I surely hope the guild moves forward on altruistic values and equality but i know the element all too well, especially as i see former associates bad mouthing me without a hint of respect or class... and that saddens me, Especially as I only ever wished to see our player base achieve greatness... but that is humanity for what its worth, unbearable inescapable and disgusting.

So do your worst, Paint your martyr, and until you can prove yourselves otherwise i will bow to no ... Man.

Edited by Shikyø on 8/20/2012 2:41 AM PDT
90 Pandaren Shaman
<Insert Public Notice Here>
Edited by Grumpius on 8/20/2012 7:03 PM PDT
85 Draenei Paladin
You are forgetting, I Expect more from those around me than what a child puts into this game.
People that matter or care will read and understand, and that is who I write to.
90 Pandaren Shaman
You are forgetting, I Expect more from those around me than what a child puts into this game.
People that matter or care will read and understand, and that is who I write to.

No, I think your forgetting is that what your doing by beating this with the "drama stick" is that your doing the "child" thing your so called complaining about.

Grumpius said exactly what you seem to forget or have forgotten. I wish I got to raid with you but from what I see, for the people who matter, That's Everyone in the guild, and the ones who care are the ones who have read and responded and informed you this is not the place to talk about your problems.

You could easily whisper and talk to people in game and in person not here among the public. this only seems to me you do not have anyone to talk to so stepping out into the public and rage while talking if your some Angel of Grace and Purity.. you are not perfect and from what i hear have done much wrong and was asked to straighten up or leave. It was a friendly warning to help you realize that your becoming an Elitist and Narrow Sighted.

When you join another guild I wish you best of luck, but do not forget the people you make "friends" with and if something happens there, I hope you don't treat them with the same lack of respect and public outcry like you did with the other wonderful people here in Zen. No ones perfect, but remember that behind every Toon in WoW, there is a human being, please keep your morals and proper articulate your feelings to where they should be and in private.
85 Night Elf Druid
I like Pie.
85 Human Warrior
The easiest way to sum this load of **** up is. I suck feel bad for me instead of just working things out for somthing i care so ****ing much about, I whine and moan like a 2 year old stung by a hornet. Please feel pity for me as i am completely pathetic and couldent do my job i agreed to do i was asked by a friend to read this. And im gonna be completely ****ing honest as i always am, I feel dumber having read so much stupidity in one sitting.
1 You care for it, work at it anything worth doing and having is worth working for.
2 Crying for people who are stupid enough to feel anything but disgust for your childish **** is pathetic.
3 I get what is happening here its Drama something 99% of guilds fall prey to solution. DONT START IT YOURSELF! I personally dont like/care for Zen but i respect the leader being able to keep it running for so long.

Ways to fix your problem use them if you wish.
1 Talk it out calm down drink some tea with honey for your poor tummy pwobwems.
2 If acting like a Schmuck is your idea of being Mature Grow Up.
3 Go play in Traffic, Take a bath in Amonia and Bleach, Play with wolves in the woods wearing a raw meat vest, Go **** on a hill billy's lawn and get shot. I got plenty more but im a Sick Minded F*** and it wouldent end well.

But if the first 2 dont work out feel free to do any of the 3rd

90 Blood Elf Rogue
I think what's hurting Zen is all the hate responses to this. They wanted to say their piece, there's no rules against it, and a stream of attacks at the OP only serves to fuel and validate the OP's whole point. Tip your hat and walk away people, if you cared that much about how you looked, why did you reply at all? You'd think seasoned veterans of the game would know that by now, being silent is often the best response.
90 Human Warrior
Well when ever I get bashed I don't stand idol I take action. Taking this issue public was not necessary the things my fellow guild members said would have been the same in a private setting so by taking this issue public it is alright for us to respond.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Whatever you have to tell yourself dude. You guys have fun over here. <3
90 Draenei Shaman
I don't think anyone is being "ganged up" on, here.
I don't sense "hate" in any of the responses.

The issue was detailed, and it was rebutted.

Anyone who posts here on the forums must be prepared for harsh criticism, searing truth, or gross misinterpretation, since that's the nature of the forum posting beast.

I'm not certain of what the OP is intending to achieve, but, I'm positive it could have been worked out in a far more appropriate format than a video game forum.

Any problem with elements of the game and the social interactions of the humans behind the characters, will not be solved here.
Nor will they be solved in Trade Chat, later.
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