Goodbye... Zen. Shakou Shakou Shikyo


90 Human Priest
<--- Is a Monster.

Boogety, boogety, Boo.

<--- Guild-wrecker.
<--- Feeds on the Tears of the Weak.
<--- Hopped-up like a spider monkey on Mountain Dew.
<--- Has stinky feet.
<--- Is evil incarnate, clearly.
<--- May very well be your Daddy.
<--- AFK for a porch-buff.
100 Troll Druid
<--- Is a Monster.

Boogety, boogety, Boo.

<--- Guild-wrecker.
<--- Feeds on the Tears of the Weak.
<--- Hopped-up like a spider monkey on Mountain Dew.
<--- Has stinky feet.
<--- Is evil incarnate, clearly.
<--- May very well be your Daddy.
<--- AFK for a porch-buff.

Edited by Zultani on 8/20/2012 4:17 AM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid

<--- May very well be your Daddy.


90 Human Death Knight
You know. This post was a good bye and Explanation. Something that our members always demand. I view this Forum as a good bye to a guild that Shikyo Dedicated a Virtual Life time to.
I for one appreciate the action, after coming home from visiting family a good friend was gone. And this is for sure not the First time. and you better believe it won't be the last. So I say we all bid farewell to a trusted Leader, and comrade at arms. and I hope when the day comes that you feel yourselves called to a new direction. that someone show you a bit more respect.
85 Draenei Paladin
thank you Alisdair, I will always appreciate you and the many others who have made this guild a great place to be, I'm still kicking around my next steps and thinking about the great many opportunities that have opened before me, but I surely hope to see those of you who aspire achieve success, thank you for your friendship and civility, members like you are the hope i leave behind, trusting you will forage ahead through the inevitability of decline, never lose your edge, and always stand strong for what is right.
90 Human Rogue
08/19/2012 08:09 PMPosted by Shikyø
Penelopae's words have no meaning as they are an entire misrepresentation of my character and dedication to this guild, I was sick for a week and nearly in the ER and unable to play, but before that I as raid leading day in day out with little relief for months. Yet you who know literally nothing of heroic dragon soul raiding to the point where you run into trash and die have the gall to force under geared and under qualified people in Heroic raids and the audacity to not only call me out for telling you the truth about your crappy decisions but you so entirely insulted everything I have done for this guild in front of an entire raid assembly. this is the ignorance and arrogance I speak of.

Lol you speak of running this guild has if you did it for the last 3 years. Sorry bro but you did it for a few months, where pen has been doing it for 3 years. I think you sir no nothing about what it takes to run a guild.

08/19/2012 08:09 PMPosted by Shikyø
Yet you who know literally nothing of heroic dragon soul raiding to the point where you run into trash and die have the gall to force under geared and under qualified people in Heroic raids and the audacity to not only call me out for telling you the truth about your crappy decisions but you so entirely insulted everything I have done for this guild in front of an entire raid assembly. this is the ignorance and arrogance I speak of

What excatly did you do for the guild other than pick the people going? you did not contribute mats to the g-bank. You did not have to explain fights to the raiders, because the heroic team watches their own videos. What exactly did you do again other than this? Please inform me.

08/19/2012 08:09 PMPosted by Shikyø
I was sick for a week

so you were sick for a week, yet you were gone for 2. in math that is 2 weeks- 1 week still = 1 week bro. During that 1 week you ditched the heroic team, and left them down one tank. you are one heck of a good raid leader right?

Also lol you know it would help your points in all these points you know if you wern't a hypocrit. Sorry and better luck next time you try to get pity =( have a great day!
90 Human Rogue
08/19/2012 08:09 PMPosted by Shikyø
Yet you who know literally nothing of heroic dragon soul raiding to the point where you run into trash and die have the gall to force under geared and under qualified people in Heroic raids

You are right shikyo, we don't know what it was like wipping for your 2 hour raids on DS.
But what Pen, older members, and me remember is wipping for 5 hours on yog/LK, to help people that never saw the content (this was during when icc was corrent)

So no shikyo we do not know what it feels like to wipe on, in my opion the easist raid sense onxyia (80) and even that is deabatbly harder. Perhaps you should inform us how HORRIBLY hard it is to raid for 2 hours 3 nights a week. cuz I will bet money raiding for 4-6 hours 7 nights a week during wrath was just a little bit harder. But I guess no one in the world knows what it is like to wipe on a raid =( have a awesome day shikyo, and everyone else!
85 Draenei Paladin
arch, you are a callow halfwit that has been kicked from zen collectively for being a moron. I have great respect for your father and brother, but you are the most detestable of scum I have met on this server and you are not my problem, any longer.

People are smart enough to know what I have contributed to this guild over the course of my position, and they respect me enough and the guild enough not to stroke the fires, you who were not even in the guild beyond four or five days ago for above reasons.. have no right to speak or ground to stand on, may you mature properly or fall on the sword of your own simplicity and ignorance...

you disgust me.
Edited by Shikyø on 8/20/2012 1:55 PM PDT
90 Human Warrior
I disagree with your statement saying that this guild is in a decline. This is the guild I remember all through wrath and early cataclysm. Everything about this guild was fine, Penelopae was talking about people in general that night in vent when you decided to gquit NOTHING he said was directed towards you but you made it all about you because that is that sort of self centered person you are. Have a nice day
90 Human Warrior
Also your comment about Archi is 110% false if you actually take the time to send him tells and actually talk to him he is actually one of the nicest people I've met and he is the best rogue I've met by far, And for Archi's age he is one of the smartest kids I've met around my age. He never started anything with people in Zen while he wasn't in it some people in Zen went out of their way to start things with him.
90 Human Rogue
1. calm down
2. calling people names is not a good example of your "matureness"
3. If people are "smart enough why is no one in the guild agreeing with you? lol this was brought up in the guild meeting and the guild agreed we only lost a tank when you left, we did not lose anything else =(
4. Did you know that it is a proven fact that same people get sick and wezzy when people tell other the truth about them. Is that why you got a sick? Cuz I am sorry if the truth hurts you.

08/20/2012 01:35 PMPosted by Shikyø
fall on the your sword

5. hoping someone dies over a game is a big sign this is more than a problem just in the game I would suggest seeing a doctor sorry, and GL bro.
6. you were an officer yet youwould not even follow simple rules such as sign up on the calendar etc. if you need more reasons please tell me.
7. I am not a immature person, I have not cussed, called you names other than hypocrit, so truly what ground do you have to stand on calling me immature. Every thing I have said is the truth and nothing but it. I speak the truth but sadly I guess that is a dieing culture in this world. Also I have been told by people that I "trolled" once we made up they told me the only reason they said they hated me is because I said truth and nothing but it. Sorry if that offends you. So I would suggest to calm down, and just re-think all this you are gonna lose your "friends" if you continue.

The only immature thng I have done thus far is spelled bad, and I will openly addmit that, sorry I am not the best speller =(. kk I have to go for a while to work GL everyone!
90 Human Death Knight
Man you all really like stroking your.... Fire. None of this is that big a thing. Shakou never hurt any of us. and he tried to push our raid to victory. There was more than one person not showing up to raid nights. in the time I have been in Zen he would show up every night. and some nights we would be waiting 5 mins here and there while he visited the Throne room. because through everything he wanted to be there and get it done. now I don't know what was or wasn't said that night. but I do know one thing. I know I sat and listened while all of our raiders, dedicated AND not. were told that we are all scum under the foot of people that came before us. Know I don't know who theses people are. But I do know who the people fighting beside me are. and they are dedicated, Centered fighters, who stood together Through the Fire. and proved that we could persevere and move forwards. You all know me you know that through to punches , and thick and thin. I will show up. I will Strap on my Helm and pick up my sword, and Fight. Not for Pene, or Bear, or who ever wears the Big boy pants at the time. I will fight for Zen.
90 Human Warrior
Exactly what I was saying Alasdir when Pen was talking about people not showing up it was not directed towards Shak but he made it about himself and blew everything out of the water.
Edited by Azinoz on 8/20/2012 2:14 PM PDT
90 Human Death Knight
Everyone has their days. I took it kinda personal when I was told people where whispering behind my back, and bout what a !@#$ty tank i am, and then Pene told us we are all just %^-* compared to the Raiders that left. but sometimes you gotta just step back, and let things pass. but all in all, no one got shot. so we should all just move on and try to put it all in the past. no reason to stew.
90 Human Warrior
He never said that you guys are terrible compared to them he was just saying how disrespectful people were towards those players once they left the guild and ruined any chances we had at getting them back.
90 Human Death Knight
His words were "With the Exception of Bear, your tanks are all !@#$ compared to them, and same with your healers. you lost the best players you will ever meet and ruined any chance of getting them back." this is an example of poor choice of words. I am sure it was not the message that was meant. but it was what was said out of anger.
90 Human Warrior
Lol that is not what he said at all he said "With the exception of Bear said player is one of the best tanks we have seen come through the guild." He said that the exact same way for every other person he talked about.
90 Human Death Knight
well I don't have Screen shot so it is all hearsay. But I am not a trouble maker so I will keep going till the day I am no longer needed.
90 Human Paladin
I greatly enjoy everyone i have/had raided with before. As with Ranpu, I hope that he someday understands Pen the way i do. If he were to come back to Zen, i would be happy to tank by his side again. As with our older zen members, i am happy that some are still with us and upset that the others were driven away. I was very angry when i heard how veteran guildies were treated when they left. As with anyone who left zen, on good terms or bad.

I don't see myself as a leader, never have. All i wanted to do was raid with the people i enjoy. It landed me a Guild leading position. Zen was always Pen's guild. No matter who says differently. And even though he leads the guild in a totally diff way than i did, its still doesn't change the fact that I'm able to raid with my friends.

When i was leading the guild, i didn't feel confident in my abilities to do so. Thus i created the council of officers that would help me deal with the issues i wasn't prepared for.

Pen doesn't need a council or someone yapping in his ear telling him what he needs to do with HIS guild. He knows what he wants and he will bluntly tell you what you got to do. The reason why is because hes not here to babysit your needs. If he gives you a job, he expects you to do it. When he became leader again, i can understand the confusion people had at what kind of leader he is. Hes real. Not gonna sugar coat a situation to make you feel better when you don't deserve it. Sure it may come off as childish and immature, but it makes people respond to it. When i was leading, i felt manipulated and unsure. With Pen, Good luck trying.

Ranpu, i have enjoyed raiding with you and hope to do it again. But i was there last night listening to you two. I know what i heard and i understand it wont make a difference if i state my opinion on the matter. If you want to know a person's opinion, you talk to them man to man, not on a public forum. I do understand you wanted to publicly say goodbye to the people you raided with and shared your time with, but i believe that was all that was needed to be said.
90 Human Rogue
08/20/2012 02:00 PMPosted by Alasdair
Man you all really like stroking your.... Fire.

Clearly you do as well. And I belive I have a right to stroke the "fire" considering I have been called out by name, where has no one has called you out by name until now alasdair.
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