5.0.4 patch or whatever its called

89 Human Warlock
goodbye old talent trees, gonna miss you

im not really enthusiastic about the new playstyle/talent trees were gonna have to re-learn again just like every other expansion hehe

well warlocks look promising for pvp


( hehe )
Edited by Latìna on 8/22/2012 8:21 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Yeah I'm really not looking forward to having to re-lea

oh wait I play a rogue never mind, carry on, I'll just be fiddling with the one new button I've got here
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85 Human Rogue
Yeah I'm really not looking forward to having to re-lea

oh wait I play a rogue never mind, carry on, I'll just be fiddling with the one new button I've got here

recuperate ?


well for pvp, dont think it will work just as good in MOP as it did in cata

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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Yeah I'm really not looking forward to having to re-lea

oh wait I play a rogue never mind, carry on, I'll just be fiddling with the one new button I've got here

recuperate ?


well for pvp, dont think it will work just as good in MOP as it did in cata


Nah, we get Crimson Tempest when the patch hits. Shadow Blades isn't till 87 though. So we've got uh...an AoE. Thing. We've also got Dispatch which is nice in that whole "Hey I don't have to stab its butt" kind of way, but that's about it really. Most of what rogues will end up doing is fiddling with hit/expertise and then carrying on as normal, I suspect.

Except not having to carry around poisons any more is going to be pretty cool I guess, more bag space is always nice.
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85 Human Rogue
even tho i am fussing about it i prbly will like it down the road since i can experiment with every class

i have 10 85s ... every class most of them are are in full cataclysmic pvp gear (hopefully it helps in leveling so i can get that low tier green mop gear till i start grinding the craftable blues for pvp ..think they will have that again this x-pac not sure)

maybe this time when MOP hits ill raid again, not as much as pvp of course since i fall asleep in raids still, just cant concentrate ... short attention span =P
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100 Orc Warrior
Yeah I just can't wait to have to completely relearn rotation with the rage changes... It's like X abilities generate rage, Y abilities cost rage, and Z is your one resource pool... unlike runes/runic power, energy/combo points, mana/holypower... It's not like hunters who gain focus over time and start fights full... I don't care about PvP, I'm just worried the adjustment will mean fewer H Madness clears before MoP comes out...
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And a hearty farewell to you, my passive totems! We sure had a lot of fun together.

I loved the shaman quests when I earned each one of you, but I won't miss your clunky mechanic (and having to carry all of you in my bag for ... reasons ... or you wouldn't work).

I will miss my protective forest of totems, but I won't miss dropping you, recalling you, dropping you, recalling you ...

Changes are coming, and changes are good.
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85 Human Warrior
-scratches head-

I have mixed reactions with the new talent trees. Call me nuts, but I have a preference for clunkier and less linear talent trees of the "olde" where points can be slapped anywhere for the giggles and laughter.

While I like things easy, I really don't know what to say... At one point I dislike this new talent system. Reminded me of Diablo 2 too much, but the new skills are drool-worthy.

We get to use the Mountain King's Avatar skill from Warcraft III?

Shut the hell up and take my money.
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90 Troll Rogue
I'm excited to try this, I can has Shadow step and preparation as Combat, this is going to be really interesting =D
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100 Undead Warlock

I'll get to use, all at once:
2 Felguards
1 Infernal
1 Fiery Imp
6 Ebon Imps
1 Zergling

I'm going to be a 1-man army. For about 20 seconds.

The new talent system is more akin to the single-player research trees in Starcraft 2. Overall, I really like it.
Do not shy from dark paths... if those paths lead to victory -Apothecary Zamah
Proud owner of 197 non-combat pets.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
197 non combat pets? O.o

The new system probably won't be too bad. I hope. I'm sure there'll be some rough patches the first night or two, but we'll adjust. Or at least those of us that don't suck will.

Might end up kinda backwards cow on spine the first night or w/e but c'est la vie. I'm actually curious to see if you combine all 17 of my 85's if I'll end up getting the achievement for the cata heroic drake. heh.
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