[H] <Legacy of the Dire Panda> is Recruiting!

90 Blood Elf Hunter
After roughly two years of hibernation, <Legacy of the Dire Panda> returns to Sisters of Elune!

But Sisters of Elune is filled with a lot of new faces these days and you may be asking yourself one of the following:

Who are the Pandas?

To spare you a long and usually-told-by-Canadians-and-therefore-boring story, all you need to know is that the Pandas have a long history reaching back to vanilla. We're a tightly knit and friendly group of people who have grown to be close friends after years of slaying Internet dragons with one another.

Why should I join the Pandas?

The Pandas are made up of people who have playing this game for years. We're a friendly, helpful and skilled bunch.

What kind of guild is <Legacy of the Dire Panda>?

In their heyday, the Pandas were a progression raiding guild from vanilla until Wrath, where most of our time was spent as a top 10 Man Strict guild on the server.

However, hibernation has dwindled both our numbers and our raiding muscles, so the Pandas are in a state of limbo right now. We're a questing/dungeoning/PvPing/alt-itis-ing guild with a bunch of roleplayers looking for people who just have a general interest in the game.

Do you want to raid? Good. So do I. Join me so we can work out a raiding schedule and start getting some more phat lewtz.

The Pandas will be whatever guild you want them to be.

What kind of people are you looking for?

Anyone. Casuals, hardcores, questers, raiders, dungeoners, and even roleplayers. Everyone has a home with the Pandas.

What caused "hibernation" in the first place?

Some horrible monster called real life attacked our members all at once.

We all wiped on that encounter.

Great! Who do I talk to in order to join and rebuild this super awesome guild?

Lectril, Tristrame, or Alyssandra (the artist formerly known as Adalicia). A quick /who of the guild should show us our alts if you can't find us on our mains.

Wait! What made the Pandas return?

Pandas? Pandaria?

C'mon. You couldn't answer that one yourself?
Edited by Lectril on 9/13/2012 10:27 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
In their heyday, the Pandas were a progression raiding guild from vanilla until Wrath, where most of our time was spent as a top 10 Man Strict guild on the server.

I simply wish to point out that you were not the top 10-man strict guild on SoE. MY guild in those days <Entourage> was above you, in FACT it was my job as one of the officer core, to make SURE we were ahead of ya'll. And we did just that! So you were #2 top 10-man strict. =)
Edited by Zetsoumei on 9/13/2012 12:00 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter

I simply wish to point out that you were not the top 10-man strict guild on SoE. MY guild in those days <Entourage> was above you, in FACT it was my job as one of the officer core, to make SURE we were ahead of ya'll. And we did just that! So you were #2 top 10-man strict. =)

In their heyday, the Pandas were a progression raiding guild from vanilla until Wrath, where most of our time was spent as a top 10 Man Strict guild on the server.


Bolded and underlined for emphasis. Thanks for the bump though.
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85 Pandaren Priest
I simply wish to point out that you were not the top 10-man strict guild on SoE. MY guild in those days <Entourage> was above you, in FACT it was my job as one of the officer core, to make SURE we were ahead of ya'll. And we did just that! So you were #2 top 10-man strict. =)

You'll have to forgive me for not remembering exactly who you and your guild were, we were too busy getting the first 10 Man Strict guild to kill Arthas, behind Apples and at that time the newly formed Almost Motivated, before real life left us disenfranchised and disinterested in progressing any further. So if it was after that it'd explain why I don't remember competing with you and you're guild, because at that time we simply didn't. Now then, if it was before (more specifically between Ulduar and Icecrown) I'd suggest fact checking because you're almost as bad as Romney and Ryan in that category. In recollection I distinctly remember GuildOx ranking us as the number 10 Man Strict (and maybe that strict part is where you're deriving difficulty from) guild on the server and as of our Arthas kill, which as I mentioned lead to both the burn out and the emergence of real life turn of events that left our core raiding team in shambles, were rated either 52 or 54 in the U.S. and top 125 in the world as far as 10 Man Strict raiding guilds go. But good try, I'm nothing but sympathetic for anyone that plays a Paladin.

But I digress as that was a long time again (in fact almost three years at this point, but I've been drinking this evening so my numbers may be off) and I'm anything but petty, especially if I were on another sever with intents of stopping back at the previous realm to spread inaccurate information to the contrary in order to help satiate my ego and e-peen. I'm sure Kalico and Bella know whats what and will certainly be willing to set the record straight on what happened at this point more than two and a half years ago, not that it is really important.

Memo to self: Stop by the Moon Guard (the joke lies there) more often to deface members for the sake of my own internet ego.

Apologies on the aside. Welcome back Pandas, it has been too long that you've been gone and I look forward to once again being the that angry person who actually calls you out on the stupid !@#$ you pull in a raid setting.
Edited by Adalicia on 9/13/2012 6:48 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Yeah I only replied to this post, because a friend pointed it out, I despise the realm you play on, bottom of the barrel = bottom of the barrel, and yeah don't worry if you don't remember the guild; it really didn't last long. After ToGC we stopped caring. You beat us to a yogg kill by like.. a week or so. but check your ToGC achivs. 11/06/2009 Is when <Entourage> Downed ToGC, my main toon back then was Xiayan if you care to look him up. And I see from YOUR achievements Adalicia that you do NOT even have the ToGC achievement!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh! and @Lectril you're Very welcome for the bump =)
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Bumping for awesome.
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100 Draenei Warrior
I had the same issue too, I just used tome Abreva and it cleared up pretty quickly.
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90 Troll Druid
To Adalicia and Zetsoumei: Seriously, it doesn't mean much to brag about being the top anything on SoE. We really are at the absolute bottom of the raiding charts. It's kind of giggly actually to run into arguments over who was the least last.

Moving On: We do have some lovely folks on server though, and from my experiences, the Pandas have always been in that crowd. They seem to understand that just because they're on an RP server, it doesn't mean they have to be high-drama.

If you're looking for a good crowd, check these guys and girls out!

Edited to add: The above is probably not entirely fair to Apples; they've been around for a while, and they've consistently gotten their kills in. I just think, for everyone else who's come and gone, it's really silly to come back to SoE to strut your stuff. And this is someone else's recruitment thread; it's a bit rude to come in swinging at them.
Edited by Faeylin on 9/16/2012 1:53 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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What caused "hibernation" in the first place?

Some horrible monster called real life attacked our members all at once.

We all wiped on that encounter.

That boss monster? I hate that one.

Especially when he gets enraged.

Welcome back!
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85 Undead Warrior
Pandas are groovy dudes.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
09/19/2012 11:31 AMPosted by Warminas
Pandas are groovy dudes.

09/19/2012 11:31 AMPosted by Warminas


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85 Undead Warrior
In the (undead) flesh.

/evil laugh
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
In the (undead) flesh.

/evil laugh

I knew it was you when I checked your Lich King kill.

Hey there, buddy.
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85 Undead Warrior
It's good to see you dudes getting back into the game! How are you all doing, anyway?
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Pretty okay. University is slowly taking its toll though. Ada is watching the thread from his phone at work and will probably post when he gets home.

Oh, wait, he's going back to Aly now.

How're you?
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85 Undead Warrior
I'm doing reasonably well here, been concentrating on my rogue, and a bit out of the raiding loop. I am looking forward to getting back into raiding with MoP, though.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Come back home.
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85 Undead Warrior
I think I might on this warrior, but Arizona time might be a little weird for raids.
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