What I understood of the scenario.

90 Human Warlock
So the scenario starts off with booty bay bombing Theramore (They kind of are dicks), it all blows up. That's when we get there, on what I can only assume were magical unicorns cause I was in the middle of the deeprun tram when I queued.

So we need to kill all the orgrimmar guards, there's like... Tons of them, then set fire to oil in 3 ships that were docked and fully emptied and cleansed of all living things. (I can only assume we had blowtorches with us cause oil is hard to catch on fire.) Then I kind of guess, the orcs were confused, so was I to be honest, so we kill more ogrimmar guards, again cause we can, there's one dude, he's a dude, he seems important enough, but we kill him, he must not of been important then.

So then we find out that Jaina has gained X-men super powers, I can only assume that she has gotten reverse Rogue powers (When you touch her she gives you her super powers and memories)

Then she tells us that the bomb was made with the focusing iris. (So garosh probably loaned it from kalecgos, he won't be getting the deposit back.) So we kill more orgrimmar guards, pick up magical banners, we need to buy more of thoses, seriously. We also have to kill a demolisher from Wintergrasp... errr.. I mean Isle Of Conquest, no probably Ulduar, hmmm no not right, Strand of The Ancients. WAIT.... It's a new demolisher.... right...

Then the final bit, the important orc's Half-Brother is really mad (He might not be, but they look alike) We kill him and everyone around, I guess Jaina is sort of done being emo (Well she still has the same hair.) And next thing I knew, I was back in the tram, stranded having to walk all the way back... Maybe it was a dream, i'll never know.
Edited by Rampard on 9/18/2012 4:46 PM PDT
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90 Human Warrior
My take...
step 1: kill orcs burn ships
step 2: kill orcs
step 3: talk to jaina...kill orcs
step 4: kill orcs and siege
step 5: kill orcs and pseudo leader orc.

Good thing they had plenty of time to plan this; it was extremely complicated.
Edited by Macbride on 9/19/2012 8:04 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
My reaction to the scenario:

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90 Orc Warrior
you would think theramore would have some air defenses or something

that goblin ship just coasted right in there and dropped a nuclear bomb with no problem lol, i mean c'mon ..

you think the alliance would have known better when the goblins joined the horde and build up there defenses for a scenario like that

sneaky goblin bastards =P
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90 Human Priest
The real point that you guys seem to be missing… the one major rope that lashes this story together in proper perspective…

The Theramore scenario was released in perfect time for PIRATE DAY.

Ships… Mar ships, a Port, some Fire, Kill sailors and Ship Captains… it war blimey good swashbucklin’ adventure, purpose built to usher in the most important holiday of the year. PIRATE DAY!!!

Blowin’ Theramore all to hell and having to listen to Jaina’s B-Rated acting skills are small price to pay, for a fantastic new Pirate Day event such as this.

Have a drink with the good Cap’n down at Booty Bay, and swill some grog with yer mateys, Arr!

And then…
Sail off to Theramore and put the torch ta some ships, ye scurvy dogs.

Send them Cap’ns to Davey Jones locker, and thar Orc scoundrels with’em.

Have a gander at the Theramore Wench, and bloody yer sabers on a few mar Orcs.

It be a jolly good time, with loot ta plunder and adventure a’plenty, Yarrr!

Go on and git yer Feat o’ Strenth, a Pirate Day bonus from Blizz.
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90 Orc Warrior
The Theramore scenario was released in perfect time for PIRATE DAY.

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90 Human Warrior
My take...
step 1: kill orcs burn ships
step 2: kill orcs
step 3: talk to jaina...kill orcs
step 4: kill orcs and siege
step 5: kill orcs and pseudo leader orc.

I forgot the last very important step.

step 6: Shoot fireworks????
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