Is it just me?

90 Human Paladin
Being on a server that you can have both Horde and Alliance toons has given me an appreciation of both sides. I'll help someone kill a rare; not try to steal it. I know it's a game (blasphemy, I know) but I also know there is a person at the other end of that keyboard. Personally I get my jollies from helping others of either faction if they are in need.
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90 Human Paladin
Truly, I've seen people wait to see if the rare was going to kill me or if i was going to kill it before they hoped in to help.

The fact i stay flagged most the time does pose a problem, but i don't jump on a person if they did an accidental flagging because i was helping out.

If I want world pvp, I hang out around the horde base. So far, good times.
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30 Worgen Druid
Not me. If I see a horde player struggling, I tend to just stand there and watch. If they live, /clap. If they die, /rofl.

In fact, ran into a flagged undead shadow priest in Stromgarde and whipped his butt all over the place. I don't care if you're my level, a level or two higher than me, or many levels lower than me. If you are flagged for PvP, you are mine to torment.
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