[H] CRZ Event hosted by Sundial Academy

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Greetings from Sundial Academy on the server Wyrmrest Accord! We are holding our very first ever class since the opening of Sundial Academy. We would like you to come join us for this event. We highly encourage you to bring your friends. What we aim to do by this is foster RP across the realms and bring our battlegroup closer together as a singular entity.

The class starts tomorrow on Wednesday the 17th at 8PM SoE realm time in the Royal Exchange Library/Hookah Lounge.

The subject of this class will be General Magics with guest speaker Taldin LaMaunte of the Royal Apothecary Society.

Should anyone have any questions please feel free to ask away in this thread and I'll do my best to answer.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Bumping to let everyone know that our event will start in an hour and a half. Hope to see you all there!
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90 Undead Mage
If this hadn't been on a night that I had work to do, I definitely would have attended.
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