New Arrival to Sisters of Elune...

85 Night Elf Priest
Ello’ ello’,

After a very long exodus from playing World of Warcraft I have given it yet another go, being that I have just arrived to Sisters of Elune from Wyrmest Accord I was hoping to meet some Role Players and Achievement Gathers. You can locate me through Echoes of Varimathras a Guild I brought along from Wyrmrest Accord and perhaps my various toons Akirdras 75th season Death Knight , Pyxiephyr 85th season Rogue, Lithashar 85th season Priestess, and Varathathul 69th season Warlock. Here is a brief description of Lith A’Shar and perhaps a bit of how I Role Play..

"Lith A’Shar’s frosted sapphire locks of hair part separately and lie provocatively over her chest. Radiant omniscient orbs deep in fel jade have a slight tinge of ashen beauty hinting both mystery and shadows from her gaze. Her pale complexion brings forth the colour of both her eyes and hair allowing the exquisiteness to surface from within her voluptuous curvatures.

Lith has a remarkable tattoo on the back of her neck that can be seen down her shale like scaled spine. Long forgotten runes of a once daemonic language rise from her neck all of which radiate a forbidding crimson colour that glows mysteriously down her spine. Gilded by arcanite dye and ink, an emblem which bears the mark of an unknown crest that seems fixated magically just as the runes glow onto the spine and neck.

Scorching heat making what lies beneath Lith’s own flesh seems tainted beyond the darkest of souls a gift from Varimathras himself. Darkness and shadows envelope Lith as a gift and a curse upon which with closer inspection appears to be animated in a form both ethereal and non-corporeal form. This constant flux linking life and death of her tormented soul..."

Again if interested and wish to contact me either via in game mail or these forums please do and perhaps we can mutually benefit each other and even create a friendship…

Gamer… Geek… Misanthrope… Nerd… Acolyte of Nyturan Demonta… and Keeper of the One Ring... “If you are here, then who is running Hell?”
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Someone from a High Pop RP server came to SoE? This is truly a rare experience. I haven't been Alliance on this server for a long time, so I'm not one to tell you the state of RP over there, or when events are.

However, I will welcome you to the fold. We may argue with eachother and say bad things sometimes, but we all get along mostly.
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90 Human Priest
A sincere welcome to the server is in order, indeed. Expect a letter in your mailbox, and if you require anything to help make your transition here more comfortable, don't hesitate to ask.
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90 Pandaren Shaman
I, Sugarcane, alt of Snugglekins, The People's Champion, greet you and welco.e you to sisters of Elune. Sisters of Elune is one of ohr finest remaining rp servers. I, Sugarcane, alt of Snuggkekins, The People's Champion, have even elected to settle here. So wether you are here to stay or moving on to parts unknown, welcome to Sisters of Elune.
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90 Human Priest
“If you are here, then who is running Hell?”

I am.

Welcome to Sisters of Elune.
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85 Night Elf Priest
Ashiri, Evangelaine, Sugarcane, Penelopae, and the many others via in game mail thank you so much for the warm welcome and I look forward to meeting you all very soon.


Lith A'shar
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90 Night Elf Druid
Greetings from the strange land of Pandaria,
My Sister the land here is strange. Elune has blessed me with new friends of late. I look forward to seeing you. Be wary of the Horde they have strong presence here.

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85 Night Elf Priest
Indeed one should be weary of what lies near and embrace the shadows without a sense of one's fear...

Well met and I look forward to meeting you Moonjava.

Lith A'Shar
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100 Night Elf Druid
I'm a little late to the party, but I just wanted to hop on board to wish you welcome to SoE! I hope you'll like it here!
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85 Night Elf Priest
The Festivities have just begun Philolune and I hope to see you out and about...

Lith A'Shar
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90 Dwarf Paladin
Beskitte Darkaxe welcomes you and gives a warm smile.

This is a pretty nice server and for rpers, it's got some decent rp. :) Feel free to say hi if you see me on. Enjoy your stay.
Edited by Beskitte on 11/16/2012 4:00 PM PST
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