Login server busy

91 Night Elf Hunter
Hiyas SoE,

Is anyone else not able to log into server today? I can't get past log in screen getting repeated message of log in server busy try again later. I have opened a ticket.
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90 Undead Hunter
I was able to log in this morning around 830 am realm time. I have since logged out and tried to log back in and am getting the same issue. However my wife is on teh same realm and in my guild and is on right now and not having issues at all.
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91 Night Elf Hunter
I have talked to a couple of guildies on vent, and they have same issue of not being able to log in. Server page says our server is up and running so I believe that some are able to get on and play. I am wondering if post-hurricane Sandy is causing any of this.
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100 Troll Druid
I'm not sure exactly what was going on, but there was a blue post about it.

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