Looking for raiding guild

90 Tauren Hunter
Hey all looking to transfer here with 2 others and try to see what guild need players for raiding. We have a fury warrior resto druid and myself a bm hunter. Looking for a guild that needs help or to find players that would like to raid in late night guild 9pm est or later.

The three



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100 Blood Elf Paladin
For late night raiding hordeside, I would encourage you to contact Faeylin or Leyota in <Cry of Luna>: really nice people, currently recruiting, and right now the top 10-person guild on the server in terms of progression. They often run a second raid group, so they might have what you are looking for. Welcome, in advance, to SoE!

<3 V
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90 Human Paladin
If you were to stay horde side, I would recommend <Night Sirens> or <Cry of Luna> that Vendhya suggested.

If you happen to want to try Alliance, <Zen> always has its doors open.

Also, Welcome.
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90 Tauren Hunter
Is there a group of people that are interested in raiding but don't have a raid spot.
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100 Troll Druid
Well, if you are looking for a raiding spot, but not a guild a friend of mine is leading an alt run, and is in need of either a resto druid/mistweaver monk, or a ranged dps. Everyone in the group has already cleared Mogu'Shan Vaults on normal mode, and we got our alts to 4/6 pretty easily last night. He is planning on running the raids Fridays, and Saturdays at 9:00P.M. server. If you are interested contact me in game, and I will get you in touch with him.

If not Cry of Luna, and Night Sirens are both respectable guilds on horde side that would be good to contact. Night Sirens typically has a raid team, but I'd still contact Silvarincia the GM just in case. Cry of Luna is another guild I would contact because they are actively recruiting on the forums, and they are a fun bunch of people. Anyways I wish you luck in your search for a raid team :D!
Edited by Zultani on 11/18/2012 8:29 PM PST
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90 Tauren Hunter
We are looking for more on the weekday type of raids. We are also incline to start a guild with the right amount of interest. The group that I have has raided in a hardcore evironment before so we are looking to be more on the causal side. If there are a group of people that aren't in a guild that are looking for a core to start with or a guild that is in need of a core thats what we are looking for. Because it is 2 of us it is harder to just jump into a guild and get a core spot unless it is a newer guild.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Starting up a new guild on SoE with the aim of casual raiding is a great idea! If you are a few people short on raid nights, I am sure that you can find folks in /trade, especially for MV. There are lots of unaffiliated raiders on the server (or ambitious people with raid-ready alts) who might welcome a new home with new people. And I for one am always happy to see new faces on the server who are interested in organizing events that benefit the community. Let us know what you decide!

<3 V
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90 Tauren Warrior
I've kicked around transfering here as well Brunco. I'd be happy to tank if you need the assistance.

iLvl should be up another 4-5 points in the next few weeks, already cleared MV Normal.
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90 Human Death Knight
If you are looking for a raiding guild on SoE, your choices will be very limited, if you are kind of serious about raiding, I would suggest trying out another realm. Not that raiding doesn't happen on this one, just that your choices will be very limited, a handfull of guilds, at the most and then, they might not have room for 3 raiders in their raiding groups.
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