Join Bloodhoof Brigands-H

100 Tauren Warrior
We are a Horde guild looking for older (i.e.) more mature players, who are more interested in casual play within a guild environment that is laid back and somewhat quirky.

We enjoy questing, pet battles, professions, while taking part in both pvp and pve aspects of the game. The guild philosophy is do whatever you want, there is no pressure, it is all for fun!

Some basic background on me as GM, I have played since the original beta, so I have been "around" for many years and still very much enjoy playing the game and being the GM of my guild, which I have had for five years now.

We are of course a level 25 guild, have vent and all that sort of typical "stuff".

So come join us, we would love to have you!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
These guys rock my socks, join them, regret it you shall not!
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