(( Original forum post can be found at the Feathermoon server forum:
Original forum post at Feathermoon: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7979898253 ))
A hefty, tanned hide branded with the seal of the Horde at the top and a pair of crossed hammers at the bottom is nailed to the supporting beam of a nearby building with a thick iron spike. It is covered in a rough, jagged script of deep brown ink burned to the surface.
Throm-ka Warriors of the Horde!
For generations before their betrayal and corruption our people lived at peace with the elements. We honored the spirits of our ancestors and we fought to defend our homes and bring strength and glory to our Clans. Twice each year, when the day and the night held equal sway, all the Clans would gather together in the sacred fields of Nagrand and seek counsel from the spirits at the Holy Mountain of Oshu’gun.
It has been decades now since our people have gathered together for the Kosh’harg, but now the spirits of our ancestors call to us once again, calling us to return home and seek their wisdom for our troubled times. We face turmoil and upheaval on every front. Our warriors fight for new lands, our forces are bolstered by new allies, and our way of life faces new and dangerous threats. More than ever we need the wisdom of our ancestors to guide us.
Return to the ways of our fathers. Let the Clans be gathered together once more for the Kosh’harg!
For our ancestors,
Original forum post at Feathermoon: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7979898253 ))
A hefty, tanned hide branded with the seal of the Horde at the top and a pair of crossed hammers at the bottom is nailed to the supporting beam of a nearby building with a thick iron spike. It is covered in a rough, jagged script of deep brown ink burned to the surface.
Throm-ka Warriors of the Horde!
For generations before their betrayal and corruption our people lived at peace with the elements. We honored the spirits of our ancestors and we fought to defend our homes and bring strength and glory to our Clans. Twice each year, when the day and the night held equal sway, all the Clans would gather together in the sacred fields of Nagrand and seek counsel from the spirits at the Holy Mountain of Oshu’gun.
It has been decades now since our people have gathered together for the Kosh’harg, but now the spirits of our ancestors call to us once again, calling us to return home and seek their wisdom for our troubled times. We face turmoil and upheaval on every front. Our warriors fight for new lands, our forces are bolstered by new allies, and our way of life faces new and dangerous threats. More than ever we need the wisdom of our ancestors to guide us.
Return to the ways of our fathers. Let the Clans be gathered together once more for the Kosh’harg!
For our ancestors,
Edited by Jinglz on 2/27/2013 4:05 PM PST