[h] Kosh'harg: Spirit Walk (tell us a story).

100 Troll Shaman
So comforting, the lies we tell ourselves.

We like to believe that the dead rest peacefully, you know? That they reside, no longer within this red and desperate world of treachery and anguish and bloodshed, but within the warm and loving womb of eternity, in the Lands of Summer and Rain.

The truth? The truth is that the dead are cold -- cold and lonely, adrift within a starless sea that stretches far beyond the furthest reaches of our petty, artless imaginings. Trust me, I know.

I'm sorry, but there is no such place as the Land of Summer and Rain; there is no warm and loving womb of eternity. There is only longing -- longing, and the Hunger. So if you truly wish to honour your ancestors at Kosh'harg -- if you truly wish to bring them some measure of solace and happiness and hope, however brief and fleeting they may be in that colourless world of nothing and no one, then do so not with ferocity and combat ...

No. If that is what you desire, then do so with your drums and dreams and stories; such are the food and drink of the spirit-world. The dead can smell our music on the winds that howl through their world. When we dream, they can escape into our world, if only for an instant. And believe me when I tell you that they can feel our stories and our drums, welling up from inside their hollow forms like water, filling up a jar.


Come and fill their jars with water. Honour the dead who have fallen before you ... who bled the untamed lands of Kalimdor red, so that you can live free beneath an open sky and the ages-old banners of your Clans and your Warchief.

Come. Tell your stories and dream your dreams.

You owe them that much.
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100 Troll Shaman

So, yeah. Looks like I'm in charge of the story-telling portion of this big Kosh'harg event we're doing later in the month. I'm pretty excited about it. Honestly? I don't think -and I say this with the utmost respect and admiration for all of the FM-RP gathers this server has become so well known for over the years- but yeah, I just don't think we've ever seen something like this before. If everything goes the way we've planned, this is going to be something that people remember for a long time.

So I'm doing my part to make that happen. I'll be on hand, telling stories from Mats' past, and I'm really excited about that. But I'm actually more excited about getting some of Feathermoon's finest story-tellers together under one "roof", and really showing the attendees a great time.

So, I'm looking for folks that are keen to entertain a bit. I'm looking for people who can work a crowd. I'm looking for anybody with with the gift of language, who knows the importance of the tradition of story-telling. If you're somebody like that, GET IN TOUCH WITH ME.

Now, I know we have a lot of super-talented writers and orators here on Feathermoon, but I don't have an unlimited amount of time to work with, here. The stories we tell must be fairly brief -- Malk's thinking maybe 700 words or so? A talented speaker could probably get away with a lot more, but they will be the exception, not the rule.

So, here are the ways you can get ahold of me:
- I like to play my warrior, Weilung; if you see me on, you are always free to message me.
- I'm happy to get emails at my WoW email address; lao.weilung@gmail.com - feel free to submit your stories there whenever you're ready.
- You can always post here in this thread, but just understand that I will still ask you to submit an email to the address I posted above.

This could be a really great event, guys. But we all have to do our part.

There are plenty of folks interested in the PvP-aspects of Kosh'harg (the grand tournaments and everything else that's planned), but I want to remind everyone of the thing that put Feathermoon on the map originally -- role-playing.

So let's make this happen.
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90 Tauren Shaman
I can't wait to see who signs up, and what stories we will hear!
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The Kosh'harg is now less than two weeks away! Sign up NOW and lend your support. We already have over a hundred people committed to attend. Don't miss out on the biggest RP event of the year! Sign up now.

Looking for more information on the Spring 2013 Kosh'harg? Check out the links below:

Original Announcement Thread:

Attendee Sign Up Form:

Volunteer Sign Up Form:

Great Feast Thread:

Blademaster Tournament Thread:

Spirit Walk Story Competition Thread:
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I really wish I'd known about this sooner, but Spring Break starts today, maybe I can throw a few words together. Thanks to WoW Insider for publicizing the Kosh'harg - sounds like it's gonna be fantastic!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((We look forward to seeing you there!))
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90 Tauren Shaman
I really wish I'd known about this sooner, but Spring Break starts today, maybe I can throw a few words together. Thanks to WoW Insider for publicizing the Kosh'harg - sounds like it's gonna be fantastic!

Good to see you here! The best part is, this event will be every Spring and Fall. So as this tradition gets rolling, it will be awesome to see who comes, and who will be excited to attend in the future. :-)
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100 Troll Shaman
We've got a couple of people signed up, but we'd always love to have more!

Get in contact with me, and I'll make sure you get your moment to shine in front of the Clans!
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97 Orc Shaman
I will be there.
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Mel'Lodi of the Coldblood Blitz will be there.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Alright, a few more cuts and I think I've got a story. I will email it to you tomorrow, Matsujin. I have no toons on Feathermoon but I did list my readID in the sign-up. Hope you got it.
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100 Troll Shaman
I don't have any pending requests, Plumas -- not as far as I can tell. My Battle.Net tag is ducks#1277; feel free to contact me any time!
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