<Fire and Blood> lvl 70 PVE Guild!

72 Night Elf Hunter
Hi! We are Fire and Blood, a brand spankin new guild whose main focus will be lvl 70 experience capped Burning Crusade raid content, heroics, and the like. This was by far my favourite expansion and I know there are like minded people out there so this guild will be for you!

One of the biggest things about this guild is there will be no gems/gear/enchants higher then was available at the time. You can level your proffessions higher if you wish, but that's it. Glyphs may be used, though its not a requirement. Dk's and Monks may join, though keep in mind there is no Tier gear for those classes as they did not exist back in that expansion

Seeing as there has been countless nerfs to the bosses in that expansion we will be considering raiding Karazhan with 7 raiders and the 25 man content with 17-18 depending on how many people we have wanting to come along!

All levels and experience levels are welcome, if you're on another server and are interested please consider making a character on Sisters of Elune, or transferring if you are able. We will help all those that join level and gear (We're currently working on filling our guild bank).

Quick recap:
Lvl 70 capped PVE content
DK's and Monks allowed
All levels welcome

My RealID is chubbydaphat@hotmail.com if you want more info or send a message in game to Wylla, Eogrimlin, Cordie, Clegàne, or Khalèesi.
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72 Night Elf Hunter
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Bump for BC nostalgia. Best of luck with your new guild, Wylla!

<3 V
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72 Night Elf Hunter
Thank you very much!!!
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72 Night Elf Hunter
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Hey do u guys still do BC content lemme know i got a 70 monk healer
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72 Night Elf Hunter
We do indeed
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72 Night Elf Hunter
We just 3 manned Karazhan (with the exception of Netherspite due to lack of people able to switch beams) on Tuesday. I have a good feeling we may be able to hit 25's as soon as more people join!
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72 Night Elf Hunter
Bump. Attempting a 25 man tonight, still need more!! Preferrably dps (we need more melee)
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90 Dwarf Hunter
What kind of Melee are you guys looking for, warrior, rogue, shaman, monk, paladin? I have been looking around for a level 70 and 80 only guild! Just resub'ed and would love to play the old content again!
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72 Night Elf Hunter
Right now we are just waiting on a few more dps to level then we will see what we need for dps. I just don't want to recruit too many dps and have the raids become too simple or not have enough for a second group, you know? Will keep you posted though if you like
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70 Night Elf Druid
Hi :)

I've been trying to find an active BC-only raiding guild for awhile, and would definitely like to join up.

Not sure what toon I'll transfer in and/or level yet...I've always loved healing the most and it sounds like you're in need of DPS, so I'll try to figure out what sounds fun for DPS. Going to be travelling this weekend but will contact you early next week hopefully for an invite. Thanks!
Edited by Zailk on 8/8/2013 1:23 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
I have an alt in a guild on US-Proudmoore named <Classic> that does this as well. If you are short folks you may want to look into cross realm running the 25s.
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