so a fellow wow player had mentioned that sisters being shut down next patch, troll or fact. just curious
server consolidation
Virtual servers are speculated to finally happen in 5.4, but from what I understand it doesn't mean servers will cease to exist, they'd just share the same virtual space with other realms. So far they haven't made any official announcement. I seriously doubt SoE is in danger of being scrapped.
Edited by Drewb on 7/3/2013 9:31 AM PDT
Part of me kinda wishes that would happen but then another part of me is glad it won't, because it'll keep a few people that need to stay, there, where they can't bother anyone.
I think it'll just keep being what it is now, a blank slate that WrA and a few other servers show up on from time to time because of CRZ. I doubt there's any truth to it being shut down.
I think it'll just keep being what it is now, a blank slate that WrA and a few other servers show up on from time to time because of CRZ. I doubt there's any truth to it being shut down.
Edited by Nyksis on 7/4/2013 8:31 AM PDT
the idea is intriguing, with the nasty rumors of wow going ftp, it is interesting to contemplate whether server mergers could instill life in low pop servers or if ftp i the way to go, crz have tried to deal with low pop server issues but with elder scrolls looming and being one giant linked server it will be interesting to see how blizz responds, i like the idea and honestly i think some consolidation should happen ( merge rp pvp pve normal etc) virtual servers will be interesting but im curious if this will solve long term server that i mean from a business standpoint is it logical to have 10 of each type server with pop issues or scale down lower pop servers in order to save $$ (and im just thinking from a business standpoint) another point is crappy economy on some servers ive played on. any thoughts appriciated
with the nasty rumors of wow going ftpFor that to happen, F2P would have to generate more than they're getting with subscriptions. With 7.7 million active subscribers, that time's a long way off yet. It's not a rumor at all. People keep saying it, but it's never had any basis other than "Other MMOs go F2P, so WoW will too". But, those other MMOs have less than a million subscribers, and it makes sense for them.
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