rp idea on shen zin su

I am on wrymrest, but I notice we are cross realmed together with moon guard.

I have made a pandaren to stay on the turtle and try to get some rp going there.

So Monday at 4 wyrmrest time, which is 6 moonguard time and 6 your time.

The theme is : we have returned from the outside world and have stories to tell.

Mandori village tavern, just below the temple. Any level can get there.
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I guess we will try again today, 7/22/13. Not much response. 6 p.m. your server time.
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100 Human Rogue
There aren't a lot of role players left on SoE I'm afraid and that's likely why you didn't get much of a turn out Rotai. I hope for better luck for you though this go round.
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