Inceptions part II (Closed RP)

90 Night Elf Warrior
Chaotic Order. That was the thought that Viloche' had as he made his way to his living quarters in Darnassus. Then again that was the same in every City and town in Azeroth. He smiled to himself. "Some more than others." he thought again. With its wide avenues Darnassus still appealed to him that the other Alliance cities for obvious reasons. But even here he felt the restrictions of what was expected of him. With his band of compatriots he felt at home. But they were scattered at the moment. Some were close by, but others were seeking their fortunes in far off and exotic places.

"Hmmm...I wonder what it would take to gather them all back up?" He pondered this as he entered his apartment and began to dig around his place for his long unused gear. After careful inspection he realized much of his armor and weapons were just not up to par anymore. His present works were just not going to do. " Going to have to change this." His thoughts them moved to others of the Umderground. "Going to have to changed this indeed."

Often, as he had come to learn, one idea gives birth to another. The allure of personal enrichment was always a strong motivator for, Viloche. But he knew his cohorts would demand more to tear them away from whatever they were up to. He smiled at thought. They may just jump at the chance for this.

After gathering what he could find and several trips up and down stairs to his War Mammoth, Haan, he finally had all he thought he needed for an extended trip. Her mounted the beast and made his way though Darnassus to the fishing village down at the base of the Kal Dorei home tree.

Viloche whistled a old sea tune he remembered from years back, his heart lifting as he did so and looked around Darnasuss once more. "Hope I'll be allowed back here again sometime" He mused to himself. Took him forever to get comfortable with Stormwind after his escape from the stockades there. With a smile he continued his tune as he made his way to the Red Saber.
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90 Night Elf Druid
By Elune... Viloche is still on SoE.
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86 Night Elf Priest
He sure is! Along with his bestest friend Immy, how about that huh?
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