Say No to the Naysayers

100 Blood Elf Priest
Wow, all I have to say is wow, so many naysayers, server thrashers etc. Seriously if you hate the server that much why post here and make it rough on the people who still like it here? The people with personal vendettas against other players etc., please find a hobby or something constructive for all that negativity, it is a cancer and just breeds more.

Do not wish for it's demise and there IS STILL RP here, some folks may have just burned too many bridges. I have been here a long time seen many people come and go along with some things occur that are so despicable over a game that has crossed into people's real lives that it is totally unacceptable and those parties never take responsibility for their actions, but are quick to point fingers at others.

None of us are saints and none of us are perfect and we need to remember real people play behind these characters and they have real feelings. I know I am harsh at times, abrupt and stubborn, it is who I am and I have done my own to hurt people as well and I can make amends if possible and have with a few, but no one is not guilty of this at one point or another.

And for the people that take things outside the realm of the game to the point of harassment, stalking etc. where does that get you? Does it make you feel vindicated when you finally get whoever it is you are after? Revenge does nothing but create contempt, and if that is why some of you are posting such negative and awful things stop. Trolls will always be trolls no mask will hide that.

I am fully aware I am going to get attacked/bashed just for posting this, but this BS is getting real old. People really need to stop the blame game and if you left the server leave us who like it here alone and in peace.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
SOE loves you back Talibah for defending her honor <3
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Oh man Tali I couldn't agree with you more! Being that my main is on SoE and my guild is as well and that I log on daily, I tell people who are interested that they should roll an alt and join rpchatter so they can come see for themselves how the server is! While I never see any activity in the rpchatter channel, and while I never see any rp happening in game in the old hotspots, I still tell people to roll an alt and look.

I totally know what you mean about people taking this game in terrible, horrible directions I mean, I've been victim to vicious lies and rumors OOCly just because this one chick I knew was jealous of my toon being with some other guy's toon! How silly is that? I've seen good friends of several years turn their backs on the people who cared for them just because they wanted more popularity. I've even seen IRL marriages break apart, due to lies, and silly nonsense involving this game. I've seen people even try to get me exiled to another server out of spite, by threatening to pull their guild out of raid groups and ruin progress! Pretty messed up stuff.

I've been there for several revival attempts over the years only to see the very same people just ruin it over and over again because they just can't learn how to separate, it's terrible really.

Anyhow, I'll keep up what I'm doing, and keep telling people that despite SoE looking dead for RP, they should roll alts and come look for themselves. Excellent post!
Edited by Nyksis on 7/31/2013 7:35 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
DAYUM !! I never knew SOE was so action packed !

..but seriously ladies, let's grab some bikini's, fill a kiddie pool full of mud and settle this like adults... /unfolds lawn chair @.@
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I'm sure I dunno what you mean Cry. I'm simply commending a fellow SoE role player for her acute observations. =D
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I mean its kinda weird that characters who don't really seem to have much to do with SOE and certainly aren't a visible part of it fight so much on forums...

So good on Talibah for defending SOE !!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I know right? I see quite a few people from WrA come over and make comments. I've been on SoE for 6 years now, I started here, my home guild is here, my main is here, and it was pretty saddening to see so many drama mongers tear it apart over the years with their inability to separate. Sad indeed.
Edited by Nyksis on 8/1/2013 5:50 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
You seem to be the primary Troll & Negative Nancy around these forums Nyksis... and it is strange that when I think of SOE Trolls you wouldn't be on that list.. actually you wouldn't be on any list cause I have never seen you in the game nor anyone in your guild.

So do something useful for SOE, instead of trolling its forums go interact with its players in game.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Troll? Could you possibly give me a quote or some sort of proof of such a statement because that's a bold thing to call someone without any substance. If you go back and read my responses, you'll see that I always tell people to roll a toon and come join the channels and check the server out for themselves and see what the activity is like.

No really, go on and take the time to go read my posts, and tell me what part of telling people to come check it out and look for themselves is trolling. I'll wait.

I've been on this server for going on 6 years now, I've played with people, set up events over my time here for the whole server, parties, gatherings, summits and the like. I've played with more people than I could possibly count, been to the revival meetings, to the story telling, the RP guild raids, been part of the guild alliances, name it, I was there. To be honest, the only person here being rude is quite frankly you miss.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
All I am saying is you present yourself as a spokesman for a server that you really have nothing to do with, but I guess the forums are your domain so I should mind my own.

if nothing else at least I provided you with someone new to argue with for a day or two.. that's like a whole content patch for you =D
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Huh, didn't realize we were arguing, thought we were having a conversation until you decided to show your true colors there. Begs the question as to who the troll here really is.

I don't know you, haven't seen you around or seen you on SoE in all the years I've played so, I guess I could make claims that you're not around either but, I don't like to assume.

I suppose you did help prove my point as to the reason why people don't come to SoE to rp anymore, what with gems like you being so eager to try and fight.

Excellent post again Talibah, and as I've said so many times before, anyone who's new, please roll an alt and join the RPchatter channel so you can see SoE and how active it is/isn't for yourselves! =D
Edited by Nyksis on 8/2/2013 8:22 AM PDT
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90 Human Warlock
Can we at least get an interesting story time, cause this is just boring.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I would rather not be patronized by someone who has gone out of their way to make OOC threats via outside means. I made my point and I said my peace, though Cry I agree with you as far as trolls go and some insults have extended into OOC RP channels in game and mocking the page for trying to keep the RP going.

I have had my fair share of crap, negativity and things said of me as well as being stalked, harassed, insulted and so on. Hell, I have even been blamed for the lack of RP on this server, which ironically has nothing to do with me. The trolls and the people who force RP, godmode, metagame and so on are the issue. As well as the one who take things out of game to a level that is so despicable and low it disgusts me.

We all make mistakes, we can learn from them and grow or keep repeating them. It's ones choices that determine things as well as their actions and no one is free of not doing something hurtful or wrong at one point or another, however going out of ones way to do so shows another facet of human nature and being a sociopath. If thats the case maybe there is too much time in game and not enough in the real world. I would rather not be bothered with lip service and two faced intentions.

I do not post here much on purpose, the negativity bothers me and I find that more posturing and BS occurs here more than any actual progress. I have been in guilds and run them on Horde and Alli and seen many things go well and many things go wrong.

RP with depth and quality doesn't fall in one's lap, one has to put in the effort to get out there and make it happen. So it is easier to say the grass is greener on whatever server, but moving from a lower concentration to a higher one as I have said before fixes nothing. On larger pop servers there are large pop problems.

I am all for some good RP drama it's the OOC drama I can do without. So I will live without the backstabbing, the lying, the false intentions and the naysayers. I will not be patronized or deal with people who have gone out of their way to do things OOCLY and abused my trust, because they have had some brick up their !@# or a $%^-*! for some ridiculous vendetta of who knows what.

As I have said before I have made mistakes, I can learn from them and try to never repeat them. I have to be responsible for the mistakes and actions I have made that have hurt others, not all can say the same and are quite fine with tossing insults and still saying their actions are another one's fault. I can do without that as well.
Edited by Talibah on 8/4/2013 9:51 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I'm just wondering where all this is coming from and who this is all aimed at. Honestly this seems like it's kinda from left field, like you've swelled up till you exploded and I really can't understand why.

I think your posts are kinda showing some sort of deep seeded issues that need to be personally taken care of off the forums and IRL. All that can't be from you being upset about a couple people telling people interested in the server that it's lacking in RP population and telling them to roll toons and check it out themselves.

Perhaps what you said about taking time from the game and putting it into IRL is something you should consider. Best of luck.
Edited by Nyksis on 8/4/2013 2:44 PM PDT
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SoE is dead, long live SoE. Old school represent. Even though I'm chillin' on other servers, I still love my old home.
Edited by Agmash on 8/5/2013 12:26 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Mage
SOE is still as drama filled as always. Wouldn't have it any other way.
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90 Human Rogue
SoE <3
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90 Pandaren Monk
These things sort of ebb and flow, don't they? I stopped playing for about a year and just started leveling a monk a couple weeks ago. I picked soe again because I've met a lot of really friendly and creative people here. Even though it isn't as vibrant as I remember, I've noticed a handful of folks role-playing in some pretty remote places, and even had couple walk up rp sessions. I'm glad to see there's still a few people keeping things interesting and optimistic. I wanted to thank Taliban for posting this, it's the most encouraging thread I've seen on the forums. I'm probably being sentimental, but I like this realm and I want to stay here. Hope to see you all in game sometime
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87 Troll Mage
Eeek. I know Nyksis! I know this is kind of an old thread, but she's been a long-time SoE friend for a while. She's always been very sweet and nice in my interactions with her. <3

This is Faeylin, btw!
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