Say No to the Naysayers

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Posted that first one on the Alliance Nyksis! Woops! Anyhow...

Heya Faey! Glad to see you're still around whoopin' !@# in CoL!! I miss raiding with you guys =D Hope things are well for you all! ^.^
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100 Undead Priest
From a primarily Wyrmrest / Moon Guard person, I'm lending my support to this. Just hanging around at the storytelling event is tempting me to roll a toon here.
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90 Human Death Knight
Really... it's more boring than it actually looks like, 99% of people on the server are completely oblivious of this. It's just people posting on the forums thinking their shenanigans affect everyone.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
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Really... it's more boring than it actually looks like, 99% of people on the server are completely oblivious of this. It's just people posting on the forums thinking their shenanigans affect everyone.

Much as I like my old home, that's quite true. I remember logging in last time on Ag, and no one was in Orgrimmar.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Edited by Telarian on 9/18/2013 9:14 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Edited by Telarian on 9/18/2013 9:14 PM PDT
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90 Human Monk
Face Reality. SoE is Dead. It'll never go back to the way she was. Bc. Wrath. Cata was her end. I log onto my rogue and poke around, and I get really lucky to see three different people In Stormwind. The old days will never return. I highly doubt the numbers will return. I won't say I don't miss the old roleplaying on the realm. The constant drama between guilds over rumors. For a Rp realm the PvP was amazing. Wpvp and everything was fun. But it won't return. I thought it would for along time, but I've accepted the fact it's gone into the land of forgotten realms.
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