LF a raiding guild

90 Human Priest
Greetings! After many years of putting up with drama, and hateful trade trolls on normal servers I have made the switch to Sisters of Elune after hearing that RP realms are normally quite friendly. So far my experience has been nice but there is something missing. And that something is raiding.

I am a 520 SPriest who has cleared Vaults, HoF and Terrace and am itching to get my feet in the door of ToT. I know the general fights by heart thanks to LFR and I am more then ready to progress before the new content comes out.

Because of my crazy work schedule I am only able to raid Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. Because of that I would prefer a later raiding guild..Pull time being around 8-9 o'clock CST as I am in the Central US. Weekday raiding would work if the times are right (between 8 and midnight).

I have brought my own guild over to this server so my priest would be the only one I bring into the guild.

If you have any questions or would like to have me do a test run with your guild please /who ancient order and ask for me.

Thank you for your time,
Edited by Såssy on 8/13/2013 12:05 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Come level a toon horde-side =D

We can help get u settled in or even if not with us, there are probably more raiding horde guilds on SOE than alliance.
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90 Human Warrior
Alliance side sounds like you want to join Challenge Accepted. Main raid group raids later on saturdays and sundays. great group of people. Another option is Council of Dragons they have several successful groups, however they raid tuesday wednesday usually. Either way welcome to SOE! It's kinda slow and small but for the most part good people.


Edited by Macbride on 8/14/2013 10:21 AM PDT
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90 Human Priest
We here at <Challenge Accepted> would love to have you with us as we look forward to 5.4. Our raid spots are fairly sought after but will definitely see how you fit with us. Flex raiding will make sure everyone gets a chance to have fun raiding with us. Feel free to whisper anyone in the guild & they will direct you to an officer. You can also check out our charter on our website http://challenge-accept.enjin.com. If you do decide to roll Horde, do check out <Deathgrip The Dragon>. Crybaby is good people... For a BElf. ;D
Edited by Hanzi on 8/14/2013 2:01 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin


Hanzi is an awesome player and you will be happy in C A...

I know in your heart the thought of a Fem-Troll caster in sexy-time armor xmog speaks for itself
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90 Human Priest
Haha thank everyone, I do appreciate the input! I will indeed contact someone from Challenge Accepted and see what happens.
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