[H] Cry of Luna: Friendly, Casual, Late Night

87 Troll Mage
We will be leading a Flex-Raid SoO group (up to 25 folks) every Friday/Sat night, from 12AM-3AM server. We also do a lot of x-realm-enabled older raids (including ToT in two weeks) and very casual/fun challenge mode dungeons.

If that sounds like something that interests you, please let me know via Battletag @ Faeylin#1905

Plans for 5.4 We have a lot of great friends we've made over the years here on SoE, as well as new friends we've made on new servers. With that in mind, we plan to operate two sister guilds--one here on SoE and a second on Mal'Ganis--with the intent of forming cross-realm groups for people in both realms.

My vision for the guild (this is Fae speaking) is to create a fun, casual circle of folks that just want to enjoy normal-mode and flex-raid content together. Instead of leading cutting edge groups, we plan to out-gear the content a little bit and just enjoy the raiding experience together.

For 5.4 Specifically, we plan the following activities: SoO (Flex-Raiding); ToT (X-Realm Normal); MSV/HoF/ToES (X-Realm Normal); Challenge Modes; Heroic Scenarios

Requirements to Join and Get Involved

Just try to have a great attitude! Make an effort to treat everyone with respect. You don't have to be an amazing raider, or a show up every single night, to get involved in what we do.

However, if you do join us, realize that we openly embrace the mistakes that others make! We aim to create a patient, warm, friendly space where people can learn and have fun without being judged or shamed into doing better.

If you can accept our philosophy and vision, then you're in!

About Cry of Luna

We've been around on SoE for a very long time. Our guild formed during ICC, although Faeylin and Leyota have been leading raids since Ulduar. At the end of 5.2, we were among the top 10 man groups on server.

For 5.3, Throne of Thunder, many of us moved to Mal'Ganis to find a new home for raiding, and we did really well there and had a really good time. While Faeylin and Leyota are currently continuing to do heroic raiding in other guilds, we're no longer leading those runs (because the work is just exhausting).

Instead, we're retiring! We have a lot of friends we've had to shed over the years, because they weren't committed enough (99%+ attendance), or they weren't super raid aware, or they didn't have the highest dps. With flex-raiding, cross-realm, and older content coming out, we've decided to put our refined leadership skills into fun, casual runs that we can enjoy running with old (and new) friends.
Edited by Lyra on 8/30/2013 5:25 PM PDT
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87 Troll Mage
For posterity's sake, our old and very established guild thread is located here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1127128287

I have no idea how it got locked, but you're welcome to peek at it if you'd like to get a sense of long-term involvement with the server. See you all in-game!
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87 Troll Mage
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87 Troll Mage
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
These people are amazing! Join them and have a blast with some awesome folks guys!!
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87 Troll Mage
Thanks Nyksis! Nice to see you again. <3
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