Hello! I’m Tivoli and I’m the guild leader of Musha Protectorate (Horde) on Sisters of Elune. We’re a level 25 guild looking for a couple people to fill out our core raid team. We’re pretty set for tanks and healers so we need DPS. However, if you’re a hybrid and don’t mind stepping into one of those roles from time to time, that’s definitely a plus. We have a fantastic class mix right now and we’re ideally looking for melee DPS or a Shadow Priest.

About Us:

We’re a small group of real life friends who have been playing and raiding together for just over five years. We played Alliance throughout Wrath and Cataclysm and have cleared all normal mode raids in both expansions in appropriate gear. We’re older (between 25 and 45), male and female, many of us have families, and all of us have full-time jobs. As a result, we are most definitely casual players - but we do take our raiding seriously. Our most important goal when we do any group content is to have fun and enjoy each other’s company for a few hours.

Admittedly, we got a late jump on Mists. As it tends to do, life happened. Most of us resubbed or rerolled Horde around patch 5.1 here on SoE. So yeah, we’re new here. Does this put us behind the curve? Absolutely. We’re well aware of that but also totally committed to experiencing the content on our terms. We did (and still do) LFR out of necessity, not choice. Now that the stars have aligned, we’re eager to go back and get through the normal versions of every Mists raid with the ultimate goal of getting geared up and ready for the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Due to various real life commitments, we only raid on Fridays, usually around 7 server time. Throughout the week we’re on and off doing dailies, heroics, scenarios, or LFR. We’re not big on PvP or RP as a whole but some of us do dabble. We play on SoE because we adore the atmosphere here. As most of us work 6-5 (or something similar), early evenings are usually the best time to find us.

What We’re Looking For:

A player with a sense of humor and patience above all else. This trumps your class, role, performance on meters, or anything else for that matter. We like a stress-free but focused raid night. Since we’re all close real life friends, we may seem closed off but in fact we are very welcoming. We’re just looking for a few more like-minded people to raid with us.

We do 10 man normal mode. We may do Flex in 5.4 if necessary. We basically have two raid spots open at the moment, and DPS is the priority – specifically melee. However, if our guild sounds like something you want to be a part of, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Like I said before, it’s the people that matter, not the role.

Due to our gear and progression level, I expect many inquiries to be from people’s alts who want to do something other than LFR for gear. We’re totally fine with that. All we ask is that if you commit your alt to us, stick with it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and if our little guild interests you, send a PM to me (Tivoli) and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Or, you can contact any of our members for a quick group run or just to chat.