From the journals of Irilin Duskwhisper

100 Pandaren Rogue
((Irilin writes a lot at random times in his journals. Sometimes, nice things come from it. Sometimes, these things are ones which he would never put in a published volume.))

This can't be love, for love was murdered years
Ago by dagger-wielding jealousy.
And yet, that sharp, familiar burning sears
The heart long sheltered in my chest. If he
Should be the one, so be it. But, should pain
Return like last time, all shall be destroyed,
So nothing more remains to once again
Be hurt. Beware! This heart cannot be toyed
With once again and live. Remember this
Each time your lines advance: the war cannot
Be won on many fronts. Take care each kiss
Is genuine, each touch sincere. The lot
Of what remains in here is now for you
To nurture or to kill. We start anew.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
The play is complete. I must send word to the Library...
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Neutrality is overrated, yet
I cling to it with all my might. I fear
That in the end, my actions might beget
A hatred far more damning than sheer
Red line that runs across my throat. I see
No reason not to forge those friendships which
Traverse some social barriers. To be
So narrowly aligned denies the rich
Abundance of experience that waits
Beyond the ordinary, static life
That many laze in. Open up the gates
And seek out many sides! The world is rife
With things to learn from anyone whose path
You cross. Embrace it all, eschew your wrath.
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