[H]possible transfer, friendly raids?

90 Undead Mage
Thinking of transferring here since I'm scared of looking for a new raid guild because I might end up in a drama-filled hardcore one.

How is this place in terms of general population?

Are there any friendly accomodating Horde raiding guilds? by that I mean, not super hardcore but still kills stuff, and helps people who are struggling? I just came back from a Hiatus and still need to do a bit of gearing up, as SoO is still a bit out of my reach. I'm willing to grab my bootstraps and do work on LFR and Timeless to get gear myself, but if there's any raiders who still do ToT to gear up new people for Siege, that'd be cool.

Also, do people roleplay Horde side?

Unfortunately during Cata and MoP when MSV was current I ended up in a bunch of hardcore guilds and was pretty unhappy since they just yelled and didn't try to help people very much. I really can't stand raiding teams/guilds that act less friendly and more like co-workers who constantly criticize your work without being helpful about it.

I really miss the friendly raid atmospheres I was in during Naxx and ICC. those guilds were so much better than the other ones, while they still would point out mistakes, they talked and helped people outside of raid if they needed it. Would I find Horde raids like that here? I especially enjoy the one I was in that also did light RP, too.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
A transfer is quite the commitment. I can imagine you'd really really want to feel home when you land.

Our guild might have the criteria you are looking for. I'll let you decide that for yourself.

We're moonwalking through SoO at a casual pace, but we've had to pug a dps slot the past couple of weeks. If our raid time works out for you, we could use another experienced ranged dps.

Take a look: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6412495360
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