Modas il Toralar is Recruiting!

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Modas il Toralar
"Order through Atrocity, Peace through Fear, Faith in Modas il Toralar."
[Heavy Role Play Guild on Cenarion Circle-Horde]
New Website Coming Soon

Armaya walked down the empty, dusty stairwell. Ziltuk, her imp at her heels. "We must rebuild." She stated to no one in particular, but her imp chattered in Demonic. She kept down the long, curving stairwell. "Send out letters all over Azeroth. We need to find some recruits, some that show promise, and prove to be useful within Modas."

She continued walking in silence until she reached the main hall of Modas, a grand room; new chandeliers with candles hung from the roof. Tapestries of battles, those that told stories hung upon the walls. Tables and chairs scattered around the room in a "proper" manner, with a few couches against the wall, and at the front, a new throne. Obsidian in color, made from some type of sturdy wood, a red silk sheet hung on the back, and a comfy-looking red pillow sat on the seat. It was simple, as most thrones go. No gems, gold, or silver marked it's importance; it was a simple throne.

Armaya glanced around the hall, taking in it's simple splendor. When she had sat upon the previous throne only a few hours ago, the room was in dire need of attention; the tables and chairs rotting away, the chandeliers falling apart, the couch fabric ripped and torn, but now it looked rather glorious. Just one part of the plan to rebuild.

"Faith in Modas il Toralar.." She whispered into the silence. Faith indeed.

Whispered rumors abounded, both within the Alliance and the Horde of the Modas rising once again from dust and ashes. Some said Aziel had returned, some said Dreejin had once again taken over Modas. Others said Dr. Wolfe was still in power. But the most powerful and prevalent stated a new leader had taken over the reins of Modas. These rumors stated that Armaya Shade had finally taken over from her previous reign as Commander of the Fel Hand, and recruiter of the Modas. But how?
There were rumors she had murdered everyone else, and simply took it over in fire and blood. Yet another stated that Aziel was back, but she was simply his puppet, like all the others. And another stated that there was just no one around and she simply sat in the throne and tada!

But more whispers echoed in the shadows, in the bars, the alleyways and streets; at dinners, breakfasts, in the battlefields and in the stores. "Modas is recruiting. Modas needs you. Seek out the Shade."


Modas il Toralar is one of the oldest roleplaying guilds on the Cenarion Circle server. We are a Villian/Evil role-play guild that attracts the type of characters who enjoy spying, torturing, murdering, soul stealing, demon studying, and all other types of unethical activities. We are a mature roleplay guild that deals in PG-13+ subjects which includes torture and murder, thus we do ask all interested parties be at least 16 or over in age.

In game, our Sanctum is located in Karazhan and we are currently led by Armaya Shade and are in the process of restructuring.

At this time I am asking all interested parties send a letter, either ICly, or OOCly proclaiming their interest to one of the following characters:
Armaya - Guild Lead

You can also whisper a member who is on, or ask in HordeOOC if any Modas members are around. We have lots of alts and generally tend to bop around a lot.

If you have a character who you aren't sure if they will fit, just talk to one of us and we'd be happy to help you. Want to make a character fit into Modas, or perhaps need some Villians for your current RP? Contact one of us and we will be happy to help.

As for server events, the Modas il Toralar will be starting to host the Black Hand Society starting soon again, at least once a month.

I am currently looking for someone who would be interested in joining Modas and hosting this Society and other events. My current work schedule places me as a night owl and I will unfortunately until at least March, not be able to host any events during the week; unless they take place at 2-3AM Server time, which if people are interested in I will be glad to host/create!

Thank you, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via the boards or in game.
Edited by Armaya on 12/20/2014 7:15 PM PST
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88 Night Elf Druid
((The Modas is and forever will be, a major part of CC. It is definitely time to bring it back to life. :3))
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100 Goblin Rogue
((I enjoyed dropping by a few Black Hand meetings. I'm glad to see someone is rebuilding! Good luck.))
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((I'm happy to finally see this post! I will try and find you in game to chat, but needless to say I am interested in joining.))

"Peace through Fear..."
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88 Night Elf Druid
[[Bump...of love. :3]
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31 Undead Warlock
I gotta get my warlock over to CC, or hope farstriders and cenarion circle become connected by virtual realms my warlock would be so at home in the Modas
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90 Undead Mage
The Forsaken man tipped the brim of his hat thoughtfully in Armaya Shade's direction. 'It is my pleasure to serve in whatever capacity you deem fit, my lady.'
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100 Troll Rogue
*cackles and skewers another portion of Tauren flank steak
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100 Draenei Shaman
((Really nice to see my old horde guild coming back. I'ma have to consider getting an alt in there again))
Edited by Belpha on 10/3/2013 10:11 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
*Sitting back, the Wretched elf offers a sly smirk. As he took long draw from his pipe, the foul stench of putrid felweed fills the air. Emerald smoke billows around him in a thick layer and from behind a pillar he laughs* Order through atrocity...heh...they don't know what's hit them..
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100 Worgen Rogue
Jonathan growled at the piece of paper clutched in his hand, plucked from the dark underworlds of the Horde-held lands. It was true. Modas was back and recruiting.

Aziel going missing, and Thelinna's death hadn't been enough to squash them, then. His other hand unconsciously drifted to the scar on his chest, the Modas Star carved into his chest the first time he'd been taken prisoner.

"We cut off the head, blow up their lair, and still they crawl back out of the mud... we'll just have to make sure there's nothing left to do the crawling, this time..."
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
( Bump! Still in dire need of some active players. :-) )
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80 Orc Death Knight
((Intriguing. What time are most of your events? I'm a late-night player (11pm - 3am EST), and it's hard to find guilds active so late.))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( Nakhbet, we haven't started events yet, sadly. There are literally only 4 of us active right now. With the holidays upon us I think events won't start til the new year. Though been pondering a "Dark Winter's Night Ball" thing in my head. Our events would be earlier in the server time though, like 7 server (which is ...10 your time I think.). :-( ))
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92 Night Elf Druid
(( Jon's against them? Sign me up! *cough* I mean... I admire your guild and... stuff.

I've been looking at getting a Horde up to cap and RPing... not very familiar with Modas however. I think when I joined WoW y'all were in a bit of a slump and I've played Alliance since. I'll check out your forums tomorrow and take a look. =) ))
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100 Undead Death Knight
(( So hard to find an actual horde rp guild. Might possibly be the time to transfer ))
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100 Undead Warrior
Join the Modasss or Die, yesss!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( This guild sounds right up my character's alley. I was directed to the website today, but I can't seem to find the FAQ I was told to go read. The site I was linked to looks like it hasn't been used in a while, have you guys moved off of GuildPortal? In any case I am very interested in joining. My character's basically a blood mage who's begun binding demons to his will and starting to walk further down the path of a warlock, though I think he will be straddling that line. I always loved the blood mages in Warcraft III, and it looks like with the recent changes to Destruction spec, it's now possible to play one. ))
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90 Human Rogue
((Just as the Modas are eternal on CC, and are rebuilding, those who oppose them shall remain! If you want to re-ignite the Terra vs Modas war, let me know! Or any Terran.))

Arlston heard the call from Jon on the guildstone. Without a word he gathered hit harness, hit gear, and hit supplies. It was time to look and listen, watch and wait for a hint.

The Modas were back, and Arlston was ready to fight them again.
Edited by Arlston on 12/2/2013 6:45 PM PST
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100 Human Warlock
((If you need an Alliance 'ally' I'm your man. Little bit of cross faction RP never hurt.))
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