Modas il Toralar is Recruiting!

100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( This guild sounds right up my character's alley. I was directed to the website today, but I can't seem to find the FAQ I was told to go read. The site I was linked to looks like it hasn't been used in a while, have you guys moved off of GuildPortal? In any case I am very interested in joining. My character's basically a blood mage who's begun binding demons to his will and starting to walk further down the path of a warlock, though I think he will be straddling that line. I always loved the blood mages in Warcraft III, and it looks like with the recent changes to Destruction spec, it's now possible to play one. ))

(( We don't have many active members so our boards are very bare.
Due to that fact I've edited this main thread so interested parties should contact me in game to express interest.
Blood mages are always interesting to play, I've seen a few here and there on CC but never very many. If you wish to talk more, let me know. :-) ))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( Bumping this up for the expansion! We need new blood!

Armaya will be at the Homeland RP event in TB tonight if anyone wishes to chat her up! ))
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100 Undead Death Knight
Davlen wanders through the musky dark alleys of Undercity and notices one of the flyers. He picks it up and starts browsing through.
"Hrm...When I still had most of my flesh, this group cause much grief and injuries for many I've spoken to. Perhaps time to see why the wounds are so deep."
Davlen crumples the flyer and continues along the way, his runeblade pulsating a deep unholy red hue.
Edited by Davlen on 11/29/2014 11:51 PM PST
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100 Undead Warlock
Donovan passed by the flyer without notice, only to turn back shortly after as one of his many hidden arcane eyes catches a glimpse of it. "So, the remnants attempt to return to glory... we shall see if they're still worth the effort. Perhaps I'll even lend them my aid, if I have the time..." With that, he turned back to return to his tasks. There was much to do these days, and so much of the time he used to spend on Jonathan was being refocused against the Iron Horde. Much though he still desired to see his wretched family burn... the opportunity to crush these orcs could not be ignored; not when they represented the very orcs who ended his own life.

Revenge was a dish best served cold, or so the saying went... but Donovan found he preferred it hot... very hot.

An eager fireball danced in his open palm at the thought.
Edited by Donovann on 11/30/2014 2:54 AM PST
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100 Worgen Warlock
((Oh, God, the Modas has returned?))
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21 Goblin Warlock
Otulp send message to Armaya. Modas need Otulp. Otulp need Modas. Others need die.
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
12/02/2013 06:40 PMPosted by Tyvian
((If you need an Alliance 'ally' I'm your man. Little bit of cross faction RP never hurt.))

(( Ally? Hon, I do believe you are on the menu. *smiles sweetly*))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
(( I have updated the recruitment thread. Please send an in game letter instead of applying on our website. The website is severely out-dated and we are working on a new one. Thanks guysss! Also I apologize for not being around, my work schedule has me as a night owl, so I'm generally only online from about 1AM to 5-6 AM Central time. :-( ))
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