A Letter to Benoite and the Royal Library

100 Goblin Shaman
An AAMS courier delivers the following letter:

Dear Archivist Dawnsong,

It was with great pleasure that I have recently learned of your reinstatement to duty. I have heard many stories of interest about your career and the weekly salons that you have been organizing. It would be a shame to see the program fade for lack of a dedicated hostess.

It is unfortunate that I have been unable to attend any of your salons, especially as your next topic is a particular interest of mine. I do not fancy myself a wordsmith, however much I have enjoyed the recent resurgence of Master Duskwither’s works, but I find music holds it own special magic. There is beauty in the combination of form and structure with the more intangible elements of artistic creativity, harmony, and emotional resonance. It would have been a pleasure to attend a performance of Sin’dorei laments, even accounting for the somber subject matter.

As I doubt I shall be able to accommodate a schedule change, I hope you shall accept this manuscript and the included donation as a token of my support for your Salons and the Royal Library.

Sharinel Firelight

A music score is included in the envelope.

‘The Silence of Silvermoon’

The leaves fall, the leaves fall,
And fade upon the ground
When silence comes to Silvermoon.

The walls fall, the walls fall,
And break upon the ground
When silence comes to Silvermoon,
To Silvermoon.

The wind blows, the wind blows,
The leaves upon the ground
When silence comes to Silvermoon.

The blood flows, the blood flows,
Free upon the ground
When silence comes to Silvermoonm
To Silvermoon.

The trees die, the trees die,
Bare upon the ground
When silence comes to Silvermoon.

The stones lie, the stones lie,
There upon the ground
When silence comes to Silvermoon,
When silence comes to Silvermoon.


((A recording can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/mk4e7gt

I wrote this a couple of months ago, and thought it appropriate to share considering this week’s salon’s subject. Real life is probably going to keep me from logging in for the salon, not that Kezrin looks forward to hearing anything about ‘music’ from Benoite! I would have personally found it entertaining, and it would have been tempting to grab my mage Sharinel.

I’ve really enjoyed all the poetry and writing that’s been posted lately, but alas, music is more difficult to share in game.))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Just listened to it! Beautiful!))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
[ Proper IC response coming soon, but just wanted to say I'm floored an humbled. Thank you so very much for sharing this. ]
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Kezrin! I enjoyed this very much, I was asked by Benoite to feature your song on Sunday night, but I really feel you deserve to showcase it your self. I know you cannot be there on Sunday, but know that a lot of people will see this and appreciate it.

Hahnai and Azmos would love to use this song in their act, but we insist you have a character there to join in with us. We would be glad to rp it with you. If you would like to make a character to join Cirque, or if you have one you are not in a guild with, we would be delighted to have you.
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100 Goblin Shaman
((I'm glad you and everyone else so far has enjoyed it. Thank you so much for the kind words!

*checks her open character slots* *frowns*

The woes of an altoholic.

Sharinel is on my currently inactive second account, else I'd toss her at you. At the moment I'm holding off on reactivating that account or paying to move her to my main account until the whole connected realm thing shakes out a bit more. The only 'musician/performer' character I have right now is Alliance, unless you don't mind a goblin rogue performing slight-of-hand on your audience's purses...

But oh! Hey! Look! The name's available on WrA :D *nabs said name for CRZ fun later*

On a side note, I really do love the fact that I've been RPing on a character lately from my old PvE home thanks to CRZ. I can give my old, not-quite-forgotten characters some love again.))
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