Timeless Isle Rare spawn etiquette

100 Dwarf Hunter
This goes out to both Alliance and Horde. I am trying to get the message out of if you come across a rare, DONT IMMEDIATELY TAG IT PLEASE. Take the time to stop, call out in general of where the rare is, wait for people...wait for opposing faction people as well since they will do the same thing, THEN you pull the rare. To many times ahve a i seen players pull as soon as a rare pops as if they were having ADHD or something....no reason to be so quick. A little patience and information through general makes a huge different for everyone and yourself!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
This works perfectly when everyone does it. Only 90% of the population wont. Who wants to be the 10%, patience rewarded by sitting on the sidelines, with nothing?
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90 Draenei Hunter
This goes out to both Alliance and Horde. I am trying to get the message out of if you come across a rare, DONT IMMEDIATELY TAG IT PLEASE. Take the time to stop, call out in general of where the rare is, wait for people...wait for opposing faction people as well since they will do the same thing, THEN you pull the rare. To many times ahve a i seen players pull as soon as a rare pops as if they were having ADHD or something....no reason to be so quick. A little patience and information through general makes a huge different for everyone and yourself!

First of all, this does not sound like a friendly request. It sounds like you are not getting to all of the rares, or you just simply are not close enough to the rare every time. Using terms like "ADHD" will not make you any more popular in the eyes of the server community, more likely than not, it will inspire spite.

So the rare gets pulled, and or doesn't get called out, big deal. It is not like the rare will not spawn again. It is not like the Time-Lost Protodrake who has a very nasty respawn time. The rares on the timeless isle are back in an hour or two. I doubt that many of them are over 12 hour spawns. If you miss a rare, don't sit there and complain about it, as if there is some type of etiquette that must be observed. Sure, it is nice to wait, but, there is no reward for patience, there is even a chance that so many will show up that you lag to the point that you did not get a tag in.

So don't go around characterizing those who pull and kill rarespawns as mentally diseased. They are doing the logical thing and making sure they have their tag. If someone calls out a rare, it is a courtesy for those who are in a close vicinity to say, "Hey, if you are close by, you can join in." If you are too far away, just ignore it or go camp one of the rares you need.
Edited by Mernardi on 9/29/2013 10:10 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
If you want a rare, camp it... otherwise pray that you're quick enough.

Don't blame others for you not having fun.
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100 Dwarf Hunter
No you call it out, wait a bit for people to show, after about a minute or two then hit. Doesn't hurt to hold yourself back from pulling to allow others to join in as well >.>
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
With CRZ you are not going to get much cooperation, Flaya. Just watch your map and try to get an idea of when the rares spawn. I can't tell you how many times I have run up and gotten at least one hit on a rare to get the loot.

I know it's frustrating, but it's the way the game has been implemented. Besides, you are a hunter. Your ranged dps actually gives you an advantage.
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90 Gnome Warlock
While the original post said as much with a rather uncouth, rude way..

I would like to ask people if they might take a moment after discovering a rare, if they are indeed the only ones there, to type into general that the rare is indeed spawned there. Perhaps you might wait a couple seconds if indeed the rare has not been pulled. Thank you if you would take the time to do so. Waiting before pulling is also kind, and I would appreciate it. However, please, do mention that it has spawned.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
With CRZ you are not going to get much cooperation

I don't think Timeless Isle is CRZ, is it? I've recognized most of the guild tags out there, at any rate.

Happily, all of my characters are so squishy that I have to call the rare out and wait for other people to show up and get aggro; otherwise I end up running back from the graveyard while it dies. Courteous by necessity! If only everyone were squishy.
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100 Gnome Priest
it is CRZ. I ran around with a pally from moonguard the other day. A good fellow.

And on that mark, Thank you Flaya for bringing this to my attention. It is certainly common courtesy to call out on General if your first on scene and see a rare spawn, or happen upon a rare and are the only one around. Despite your disagreeable tone, your message was well received :)

Like Andelia, I know I'll not be first to jump a rare spawn. I'm far too squishy. My rule of thumb is to wait for at least 3, judging on how the fight seems to be going, before I tag in...unless I'm feeling reckless that day then LOOK OUT! GNOME COMIN THROUGH!! :D

/cast Mind Spike!
/rare glares at gnome.
/gnome dies. x.x
Edited by Caileanmor on 9/29/2013 4:11 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
If you are the first on the scene with a rare then by all means announce it, but I think the OP was saying she was not getting a shot in. Sorry to say, everytime I have been there, it's been a mad dash just to get one shot in. You do get your loot, even if 50 people are there if you at least get one shot in.

Asking for courtesy in the game at this point is like screaming at the wall. It doesn't care if you run into it.
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100 Human Mage
Flay's not being uncouth or hostile in any fashion. I've spent quite a bit of time in Timesink Isle general encouraging people to do exactly this. Flaya is not suggesting, Liore, that you not tag a rare once someone else does so. Tag the rare and then back off. You don't have to continue damaging it. More damage does not increase your chance of getting loot.

The more of us who behave politely and with consideration for others, the more of us who benefit from each rare spawn. I would like people to wait for me when they find a rare, so I make sure I wait for others. I call out every rare I see and do the best that I can to wait on pulling until people have had time to show up.

Whether I'm part of the 10% who's doing this, the 5%, the 1% or even if it's just me, I'll keep doing it. It's the right thing to do.
Edited by Imperon on 9/29/2013 4:50 PM PDT
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Gonna have to write this down on Derscha's desk calendar.

*scribbles: "I agreed whole heartedly with Sir Pimpernickle today. Be sure to let Khromie know."*

((although I do understand how Flaya's tone may be misread; I just chose not to - the Spriggel in me is noncomformist that way))
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100 Night Elf Druid
I came across a "Curiously Empty Shell" and being somewhat curious myself and thinking it might be a strange treasure chest, clicked it. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that it was a rare named Chelon. I immediately announced it, but it was dead before more than half a dozen people showed up. I will know better next time :)

Flaya, I know you have the best of intentions, but sometimes you sound too much like a mom. I should know that since I'm a mom and my kids complain all the time :) And my kids are 23, 27 and 30, so they've been complaining for a loooong time. Your intentions are always noble, but kids don't always understand the tone. I always appreciate what you have to say, though :)
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100 Troll Warlock
Only advice I have on all this is, if you are on one side of the isle, a rare gets called thats on the other, dont bother. Just "camp" a side every so often. other bit of advice, and as much as I love watching like 10 people, Horde and Alliance drop in one fell swoop, for Cinderfall, let the ranged handle him. Get your hit in and back up. That way you wont get screwed out of loot while running back!
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100 Orc Shaman
If it's a smaller rare that will die quickly (Gander, Python, Turtle, Bufo, etc), I usually don't bother calling it out. These show up so often and die so fast, I don't like giving people false hope.

If it's a bigger rare or one that spawns less often (Huolon, Jadefire), I'll call out in General and give folks a little time to get there, but if it gets attacked, I'm making sure I get my hits in!

And, yeah, like Didos said, don't try to race to the other side of the island to get to a rare. Unless it's one of the big ones (Evermaw/Dread Ship, maybe Huolon/Cinderfall), you're more than likely just going to end up getting disappointed. Get to know the rares on the island and get a feel for how fast they die.

If you're at a rare, call out health percentages for people who aren't. Tell them when the mob dies.

Just be as helpful as you can, but don't expect everyone else to cooperate. It'll never happen.

Edit: Also, protip: Buy Golden Gliders. Buy more whenever you're nearby, so you'll always have them for clutch moments. If you're on one of the hills or near enough to the ocean to ride to fatigue water and fly up, they're a great way to get from place to place quickly.
Edited by Oskor on 9/30/2013 10:06 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Warlock

Edit: Also, protip: Buy Golden Gliders. Buy more whenever you're nearby, so you'll always have them for clutch moments. If you're on one of the hills or near enough to the ocean to ride to fatigue water and fly up, they're a great way to get from place to place quickly.

Nice! :D

Thank you very much for that tip!
Edited by Ravenblack on 10/1/2013 10:39 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Shaman
I don't have a problem with people not announcing rares. I have a route that I travel and realize that people will not wait forever for everyone to appear to get a hit - so I don't bother complaining if I miss a rare. The problem I have is when I happen upon a rare, call it out, take my time to stand back and wait for a reasonable group to gather, and have one person rush in and start the fight. It's like watching a 6 year old at Christmas (I was going to make a "fat kid on a candybar" reference but I'm trying to be nice this morning). If someone else calls out a rare and I arrive I either wait for them to start the fight or give a ready check. Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time fishing up Krakkanon with the intention of stepping back and calling him out when he spawned. Most people don't even know about him so I like to include as many in the fight as possible. Of course as soon as he spawned someone jumped in and started (to the gasps of "Wow, never saw that one before.")

God help me if I say something in General. I get the common responses, "They'll respawn in 30 minutes. Boo hoo." or " You got your hit in, why do you care?". I guess what bothers me is that WoW has always been this little social microcosm that I think truly reflects how we treat each other. If someone is a jerk in the game, I am willing to bet that they are a jerk in real life. How sad. Before anyone jumps in and says "It's just a game." I would like to utter a resounding "duh". Game or not, your humanity is not removed simply because you are behind a computer screen. Treat others the way you would like to be treated and Azeroth will be a much more pleasant place.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Though I understand the irritation displayed by those who see a rare only to find it dead by the time they can tag it, I'm going to play devil's advocate (or, for those who may think so, "the jerk") and ask...what's the problem? I have wandered the Timeless Isle in circles quite a few times in a search for rares, collecting for achievements, hoping for tokens, things of that nature. I have seen quite a few on the map, only to ride over just as it dies. Do I feel the need to wax indignant? No, I do not. I say to myself, "Damn, too slow" and I move on.

Courtesy works both ways. Yes, it would be nice if people didn't go at rare elites like zombies feasting on a science fair, but it's also nice not to blame people for doing so because you didn't get a cut of the brains, you know?
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