Gnome Biker Guild =O!

100 Gnome Warlock
"Oh! Where have you gone, Gnome Biker Guild?"

Some time ago I came across a light RP Biker Guild, and if memory serves it was full of gnomes! I also seem to recall that it was a small guild of only a few close friends. Something silly and fun that they were doing.

Does anyone remember this guild? I'm curious about its status.


The REAL reason for this post is to judge interest in forming another:
Gnome Biker Guild!

I'm saying this upfront! This is only meant to be a fun and silly guild that might be good for a few laughs :)
Who knows! If there is enough interest then it might turn out to serve some good for the community. :)

*I also mean for this to be a casual guild, since it will likely be built by alts.
*The rules would be minimal.
*Expectations would be minimal in the beginning, and meant to remain as light as possible...since, again, it will be built upon alts.
*The RP will be light and optional. A story or framework will be provided for those that wish to participate.

Now, I know that there are some issues with taking this idea public.
Strike #1 - The Bike!
...or rather, The Choppa! Naturally to join you would have to have this mount. I know that this sadly excludes a whole heap of people that might be interested. But I have a thought about that!...for a later discussion.
Strike #2 - The Gnome!
You would have to be a Gnome! Else it wouldn't be a Gnome Biker Club (Guild). This would exclude those that might otherwise be keen on the idea, but just can't stand gnomes or be bothered with rolling and leveling a fresh one. To Wit: I completely understand.
Strike #3 - [Open Discussion]
I really can't think of a third reason why this wouldn't or couldn't work...short of just the lack of interest. The which is totally understandable.

What say you my Gnomies?
Any interest?
Thoughts or Ideas?
Critiques? ((slips into flame resist gear, preps AA-Guns and braces for impact))
Edited by Ravenblack on 10/1/2013 11:16 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
As long as you don't go slashing tires and beating on innocent motorists.
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90 Undead Death Knight
I would roll a gnome for this in a hot second, if I wasn't a recovering altaholic!
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90 Gnome Rogue
The Sprocketeer approves of this message.
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100 Gnome Warlock
The guild I was thought once existed in fact did not. It was merely an old plan between friends that never got off the ground.


So here are my thoughts...thus far...

I said in the opening that I really just want this to be light, fun, silly, low to no pressure, alt guild. Feel free to park them alts here if they need a home or if you're just looking for something a little different.

Any RP that organizes within the guild is up to those that choose to participate. If people wish to take it upon themselves to put together guild events and so forth, they are welcome to do so. If I see that participation is picking up then I will certainly support where and however I can.

**So that its made known up front; If or When the guild forms, I will be looking to level it asap so that all members can benefit from level 25 perks. So my hope is that there will be at least 3 to 4 level 90s that would be willing to make guild runs for this purpose. If not, no biggie.
**Low to no pressure, fun first, is always paramount.
**Real life comes first.
**No Drama and all that jazz :D
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100 Gnome Warlock
A few little by-laws, conditions of joining, etc: Merely an attempt of mine to be organized.

All charter signers have to be gnomes.
--For Charter Signing, there is no need to actually own a chopper.
--For Guild Membership, there is no actual need to own a chopper. The 'need' to own a chopper will matter only if you want a particular guild rank designation such as Lieutenant, Sergeant at Arms, and so forth. This is mainly for RP purposes only. At least these are my thoughts on the matter.
--I will slowly put mats together for future choppers, into the guild bank, a tab accessible only to Club Pres and V.P. If others wish to donate, they are welcome to but not required.
--I have the engineering plans covered.
--Choppers will be rewarded to "Founding Fathers" first. All other members will get bikes from the guild bank as they become available. Perhaps there will be other requirements tied to getting a bike. We can brainstorm on this later as a guild.
--I am not sure at the moment of how to handle attaining higher ranks. Right now I'm looking at those as purely for RP purposes. Thoughts on this?

Working Guild Titles:
<The Warlocks> All gnomes, all warlocks, each with their own chopper. Yes, technically it is the name of an actual MC, but I doubt they'd mind us using it in this case o,-

...yeah, that's all I have at the moment :P Any thoughts on this will be entertained :D
Edited by Ravenblack on 10/2/2013 10:05 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Warlock
Thank you to those that have shown an interest!

I appreciate your comments, and your bumps of support :D
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100 Gnome Warlock
<Fel Angels>
<Fels Angels>
<The Tinkers>
<Mekkatorques Tinkers> or something to that end
<Dark Spanners>
<Tinker Tool Box>
Edited by Ravenblack on 10/2/2013 10:41 PM PDT
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97 Draenei Paladin
<Nethers Tinkers>

Since the Hell's Angels are often considered an outlaw club, puns off of that name open yourself to a free guild renaming, sadly.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
<Hollywood Stuntz> would make a good guild name for your biker guild.
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100 Gnome Warlock
<Over Torque>


I know what I'm going to do!

I am going to retool my old guild and make it into a Biker Club. I'm calling it an MCC.
Mekgineer's Chopper Club.

Currently the guild name is <Valhöll> and that'll do for now. I might change the name at some point to make it <Valhöll MCC> or something. IC I'm thinking of calling us the Brotherhood of Valholl, or Sons of Valholl :P (which actually might work) or something along those lines.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
<Valhöll> is now an MCC (Mekgineer's Chopper Club).

ICly we focus on filling our ranks with Dwarves and Gnomes, but really our doors are open to all. Alts more than welcome!, you don't even need a "main" within the guild, just throw us your alts :D

Chopper needed only for RP rank advancement. Not having one doesn't affect your OOC guild invite or OOC guild status.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
I might also add that if you're interested in an invite, feel free to contact me on any time if you have me battle tagged. If not, then I'm frequently online with the following three toons.

...the O 's alt code is 0216. If you don't know, simply hold down alt and type 0216 then release and the Ø will pop up. Type din and you're set. /thumbsup.

Whisper me, Mail me, walk up to me IC any time and we'll take it from there :D

Happy gaming!
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