Haunted Mansion-open rp

90 Blood Elf Warlock
The servants were whispering, just out of her hearing range. They moved with scurrying steps through places they usually tread with measured and dignified paces. Vivi rubbed her temples and heaved a sigh. There had to be a source of the disturbance, somewhere in the huge mansion.

There was a distant clatter and a terrified squeal from the area of the kitchen. Vivi rose from her chair in the den and opened the door. "What is going on?" she demanded of the wide eyed maid running past her.

"Ghosts!! It's in the kitchen, cook fled out the back door. I am leaving! Find other servants!" and she flew through the house and out the front entryway, leaving the door to swing on creaking hinges.

"What is in the kit...never mind I will look for myself." irritated by the desertion of her last servants, Vivi scowled before calling forth her voidwalker. "Time to investigate, Kordron. Whatever it is we must excise it or I will not know peace."

The hollow echo of the voidwalker returned, "As you wish." as it drifted forth from the Nether. They proceeded to the kitchen and Viv looked around at the mess. The soup kettle was still bubbling on the stove. But the reek coming from it was not the gourmet treat she had come to expect from her chef.

"Seek out any intruders, hold them for my inspection." she directed the voidwalker. It moved swiftly through the kitchen and swept through the pantry and the dining room. It disappeared a short time later.

Vivi frowned as she felt the essence of the Void return to the Nether. "What the fel? Kordron? Where have you gone?" she moved swiftly towards the dining area. Only a bit of intuition slowed her steps. The hair on her scalp tingled and she stopped. Something was not right...in the mansion of a warlock not much escaped the wrath of a voidwalker. Perhaps she would seek some help.

Retracing her steps to the kitchen she came upon a curious scene. Bits of paper littered the floor, leaving a trail leading to the Grand Ballroom. Vivi stopped and bent to pick up the paper. It smelled sweet, and felt sticky. "What non sense is this?" she mumbled and cast her spell to call an imp. The tiny green creature protested at being called.

"Hush, I need to find out what is going on. I can call Kordron back he is easy to pull back from the Nether, but I need some professional advice and perhaps some aid." she took a bit of parchment from her desk and penned a short note to Benoite Dawnsong of the Royal Library.

"Take this to her and do not dawdle, perhaps she will know what to do. I am at a loss." she frowned slightly as the imp popped out of existence and used the Nether to guide him to the Library. Hopefully the guardians would allow him to deliver her plea for aid.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
(Note to Benoite, this is what the note the imp carries says, feel free to respond here and I hope others will join in. This is kind of a new idea I had. Write your version of the Imp finding you and delivering the note, send for or direct the next person you wish to respond in your post. Passing the writing on to the next person in turn. We can do this! It's a challenge!))

A crisp sheet of parchment rolled and tied with a red ribbon is carried by a tiny Imp. He is green with tufts of bright red hair on his scalp, his eyes are beady and red.


To: Benoite Dawnsong

Forgive the messenger, he is harmless and only seeks to give you this note. My mansion has been invaded by something or someone, perhaps more than one. All of my servants have fled, I am alone in the mansion except of course for my minions from the Nether.

Strange noises and odd bits of paper, I have no idea what is happening. A haunting perhaps? No one has been harmed, but none will stay in the mansion and I have no recourse but to seek aid in the solving of this mystery.

Feel free to seek advice before sending anyone to investigate. I leave it to your discretion who may shed light on this quandary.

Vivieka Blacktalon
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
The mansion loomed like a grand edifice shaped in the form of a hand. mocking her as if it forbid her to enter. Vivi scowled and turned to her imp as it danced beside her. "No response? I had hoped for at least a polite note acknowledging the problem. No matter she has other things to keep her attention. I propose we seek out others who may have some bright ideas to rid the mansion of it's uninvited guests."

Vivieka Blacktalon was vexed, irritated, and generally grumpy today. Not being able to access her library and the many projects she had going was causing her a headache. She went back to the main courtyard of Quel'Danas and put several notes into the mail. Inviting those brilliant minds of her peers to offer solutions.


My dear friend,

My mansion has been invaded by something or things that seems intent on mischief and mayhem. I beg your assistance in ridding the Magister's Terrace complex of it's pests. I am sure it is nothing more than pranksters who have decided to elude capture and seek only to vex me.

Please feel free to offer advice and encouragement, I am at my wit's end! No one has suffered serious injury, but my staff have all left and I have projects that must be attended. At his point I would accept any advice under consideration.

Vivieka Blacktalon

Edited by Viragona on 10/16/2013 1:19 PM PDT
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