Looking for guild (A)

100 Human Priest
I love my guildmates but I am looking to experience more WoW content.

Foremost I am looking for a guild of mature people. I enjoy the "multiplayer" aspect of this game and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't play at all.

I used to raid back in vanilla on this character in a guild called Swift Retribution. Our guild was quite successful but I ended up quitting WoW for several years around the time Wrath came out (college + work). I recently returned about 3 months ago and would like to find a dedicated group of people to game with. WoW has changed a lot from my days and it seems more difficult than ever to find 9 strangers one can count on to complete moderate level content. (and to think UBRS used to be 15man..)

Currently I have lead groups through all 3 wings of flex but I'm looking for more. I enjoy leading groups, but the part that is a drudgery is that you spend more time assembling groups and replacing people that leave after 1 wipe than actually enjoying the content. I'd like to be a part of a group of people that are willing to commit a bit of time and effort to be a success.

Characters on CC (A):
527 priest (primary spec: holy)
525 DK (primary spec: frost)
512 monk (primary spec: WW)
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100 Draenei Hunter
The Wild Hunt is a level 25 raiding guild, looking for a heals /w dps OS or a regular dps, if you're looking to break into the raiding scene.

We're 9/14 and raid T/W/Th 6:45-10 server.

I can't speak to our maturity, but we're a pretty cool group of people, I think :D

You can also join as a casual player, we run Flex every Saturday and do various other things.
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