Gnome lore?

100 Orc Warlock
02/17/2016 12:46 PMPosted by Dawnblood
They could easily solve the problem by just toning the goofball angle and give them some more serious and driven characters. With Legion on the way they could add more lore on gnome warlocks, make them serious occult scholars and tone down the goofy inventor shtick.

Ok, but that sounds boring as hell. Goofs should keep goofing.

02/17/2016 01:17 PMPosted by Forbidra
Until that issue gets permanently resolved, the Gnome community will simply have to be content living off scraps from the Alliance table, and tiny "Blink-and-you-missed-it" style easter eggs.

Proportionally speaking, these are regular-sized appearances for gnomes, equivalent to the attention bestowed upon orcs and humans.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Ok, but that sounds boring as hell. Goofs should keep goofing.

Yeah, I know a lot of people like the silly angle for gnomes. I think it puts them in a catch 22 situation. They are clearly a joke race and aren't to be taken all that seriously and because that is the perception of them they'll continue to not being taken seriously and not get any decent lore.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
10/28/2013 05:35 PMPosted by Forbidra
Wow there does seem to be a fair bit of misinformation floating around about Gnome lore, even given how little there is. There are some good references online for learning about Gnome lore, and I presume youre all accomplished enough internauts to find them on your own. However I feel I should correct and underscore a few things here...

1. Gnomes have the only elected leader of all the playable races. Gnomes have a functional democracy, but we dont know many details about it apart from the High Tinker being an elected post.

2. The High Tinker is customarily allowed to choose whatever title he likes, and Gelbin Mekkatorque has chosen: "King of the Gnomes" as his. Precisely why he did this is not fully explained since the Gnomes have had no functional monarchy per se for hundreds of years. However some speculate that he may have chosen that title in an effort to put himself on an equal footing diplomatically with the other racial leaders of the Alliance.

3. The Fall of Gnomeregan was cause by a deliberate act of sabotage orchestrated by the High Tinker's chief advisor Sicco Thermaplugg. Many people erroneously lay the blame for the tragedy in which 80% of the population lost their lives at the feet of the High Tinker, but that is incorrect. Thermaplugg deliberately and with malice aforethought hatched a scheme to flood the city with radiation designed to kill large numbers of Gnomes. Thermaplugg planned to fix the blame for those deaths on the High Tinker, and thereby secure the top job for himself. It should be noted that until that time, Gnomes had NO history of internecine violence. The very concept of a Gnome plotting the mass murder of other Gnomes in a bid for personal power was unthinkable, and so no one suspected Thermaplugg's treachery until it was too late.

4. The Gnomes have been staunch allies of the Bronzebeard Dwarves for a long time, but are *not* subjects of Ironforge nor do they owe allegiance to the Council of Three Hammers. In fact since the Cataclysm, and the political upheaval in Ironforge, the Gnomeregan refugees have actually found themselves unwelcomed guests in the city. This helped precipitate the events of Operation: Gnomeregan, and the founding of New Tinkertown, as Gnomes have begun to reevaluate their role in Khaz Modan.

5. Gnomish "Priests" notwithstanding, Gnomes are not a spiritual or religiously oriented people. They approach magic (including The Light) like any other branch of science. It is something for them to explore and understand, and to master. Gnomes believe in what they can see, and prove under experimental conditions. Gnomes believe in themselves and their fellow Gnomes, and in their technology. Gnomes do not believe in mysteries. Gnomes have absolute faith in their ability to learn and understand...*everything*. And it is that insatiable curiosity, and optimism, and courage that make Gnomes hands down the most interesting and fun race to play in my opinion!

- Forbs
"For Gnomeregan!"

Something you may want to add to that Forbes, is that Gnomes are not inclined to hold a grudge under any circumstance. No matter the actual cause of the initial rift, they are kind hearted beings, and forgive just about anything (Thermaplugg the exception). And therefore, even though they are counted as part of the Alliance, they truly are a neutral race. "They can even forgive the likes of Orcs"
Edited by Kyanthus on 2/17/2016 7:58 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
02/17/2016 05:43 PMPosted by Dawnblood

Yeah, I know a lot of people like the silly angle for gnomes. I think it puts them in a catch 22 situation. They are clearly a joke race and aren't to be taken all that seriously and because that is the perception of them they'll continue to not being taken seriously and not get any decent lore.

You can have both, you know. There can be serious gnomes and light-hearted gnomes, just like there are serious orcs and peons. Blizzard just needs to start writing characters and stop writing one-notes.

02/17/2016 07:57 PMPosted by Kyanthus

Something you may want to add to that Forbes, is that Gnomes are not inclined to hold a grudge under any circumstance. No matter the actual cause of the initial rift, they are kind hearted beings, and forgive just about anything (Thermaplugg the exception). And therefore, even though they are counted as part of the Alliance, they truly are a neutral race. "They can even forgive the likes of Orcs"

I'll disagree with this.

There's no evidence that Gnomes don't really hold grudges. Most of them seem too self-absorbed to do it, but that doesn't mean they don't. And while a number of them go neutral, it's ridiculous to say that they're not a part of the Alliance. There are a number of neutral blood elves, too, but they're still part of the Horde.

And everyone forgives the Orcs. All the time. It's what we do, for some reason.
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Darn tootin'.

Demon blood and demagogues. That's our story and we're stickin' to it.
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100 Gnome Warlock
02/17/2016 07:57 PMPosted by Kyanthus

Something you may want to add to that Forbes, is that Gnomes are not inclined to hold a grudge under any circumstance. No matter the actual cause of the initial rift, they are kind hearted beings, and forgive just about anything (Thermaplugg the exception). And therefore, even though they are counted as part of the Alliance, they truly are a neutral race. "They can even forgive the likes of Orcs"

I'll disagree with this.

There's no evidence that Gnomes don't really hold grudges. Most of them seem too self-absorbed to do it, but that doesn't mean they don't. And while a number of them go neutral, it's ridiculous to say that they're not a part of the Alliance. There are a number of neutral blood elves, too, but they're still part of the Horde.

And everyone forgives the Orcs. All the time. It's what we do, for some reason.

I know it says that Gnomes are forgiving and dont hold grudges on the wiki, but so far I've been unable to find anything in-game (I dont read the novels/RPG books) to solidly support this. However from my perspective I think this is at least partially correct.

The reason I say so, is because Gnomes are obsessed with the future, and simply dont have time to dwell on the past. Wars are messy, expensive, time consuming things that Gnomes would prefer not to deal with, given a reasonable alternative. So for this reason I believe Gnomes would be inclined to give an antagonist a second, and possibly even a third chance to reform.

That said, Gnomes are also a highly practical people. If you pose a threat to the future Gnomes are trying to build, and they see no reasonable prospects of negotiation, then you become a PROBLEM for them. And if there is one thing Gnomes enjoy even more than cupcakes, its solving problems.

Sometimes Gnome solutions create new unanticipated problems, but thats a discussion for another day.

- Forbs
"For Gnomeregan!"
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