((SEE POST SEVEN for further description of the line.))
((If you weren't in AOOC when we discussed this, here's the deal. I'm going to be DMing an ongoing line and you're all invited! Bug me in game if you want further details, but I'm hoping to use this thread as a general update center, to let everyone know what's going on. As the story gets moving though, feel free to post reactions and responses.))
"An Ironforge Daily Herald hawker is energized and persistent!" - The one line in whatever unspoken training manual they must have went by. Most were simply obnoxious, almost as the city's struggling bakers, others harassed passers by. The best could draw a crowd, as Gorman Silverbeard could somehow pull off each day. Always with the first set off the presses, and promptly perched on a stack of boxes that no one ever claimed, he spouted the day's headline:
It didn't take long for money and papers to change hands. The paper continued:
Wilson A. Grummack, former Chief Executive Officer of the Deer Creek Exchange Company, longtime political spectator and critic formally announced at the annual meeting of the Kharnos Association of Hunters and Trappers. His twin brother, Gavin Grummack, leader of the Association told the Ironforge Daily Herald: "He's exactly what we need and more. Someone has to stand up for the rights of the common dwarf. We've had trolls and troggs threatening our homes and no one else is even speaking about it."
Mr. Grummack, a longtime proponent of dwarven national sovereignty is expected to run on economic reforms, as well as the retraction of several key battalions from common Alliance battlefields, such as the Western Plaguelands, The Arathi Highlands, and the Stonetalon Mountains.
"We've got to get our business over there done with, and bring our men home to fight the war going on in our own backyards."
Mr. Grummack is expected to lay out the rest of his platform at an upcoming meet and greet at Bruuk's Corner.
((Edit: Second event to be held Thursday, November 21st in Kharnos))
((If you weren't in AOOC when we discussed this, here's the deal. I'm going to be DMing an ongoing line and you're all invited! Bug me in game if you want further details, but I'm hoping to use this thread as a general update center, to let everyone know what's going on. As the story gets moving though, feel free to post reactions and responses.))
"An Ironforge Daily Herald hawker is energized and persistent!" - The one line in whatever unspoken training manual they must have went by. Most were simply obnoxious, almost as the city's struggling bakers, others harassed passers by. The best could draw a crowd, as Gorman Silverbeard could somehow pull off each day. Always with the first set off the presses, and promptly perched on a stack of boxes that no one ever claimed, he spouted the day's headline:
It didn't take long for money and papers to change hands. The paper continued:
Wilson A. Grummack, former Chief Executive Officer of the Deer Creek Exchange Company, longtime political spectator and critic formally announced at the annual meeting of the Kharnos Association of Hunters and Trappers. His twin brother, Gavin Grummack, leader of the Association told the Ironforge Daily Herald: "He's exactly what we need and more. Someone has to stand up for the rights of the common dwarf. We've had trolls and troggs threatening our homes and no one else is even speaking about it."
Mr. Grummack, a longtime proponent of dwarven national sovereignty is expected to run on economic reforms, as well as the retraction of several key battalions from common Alliance battlefields, such as the Western Plaguelands, The Arathi Highlands, and the Stonetalon Mountains.
"We've got to get our business over there done with, and bring our men home to fight the war going on in our own backyards."
Mr. Grummack is expected to lay out the rest of his platform at an upcoming meet and greet at Bruuk's Corner.
((Edit: Second event to be held Thursday, November 21st in Kharnos))
Edited by Kyalin on 11/14/2013 8:31 PM PST