There is no revenge so complete as forgivenes

90 Draenei Death Knight

((Why did I put so many characters in this house? Now I have to post all the responses...))

The smile on the death knight’s face was grimly pleasant. A contradiction, to be sure, but suitable for one in her line of work. The jingle of gold in her small coin bag made her very happy. As she walked up to the house she wadded up the wanted poster she was carrying while muttering something about ‘one down’.

An agreeable smell assaulted her nostrils before she had opened the front door all the way. Vainaa immediately saw Noikona sitting quietly at the table and nodded a greeting. She couldn’t hear any noise coming from the kitchen, but she assumed Gertha was at work making something delicious.

The crumpled poster hit the trash can with a soft ‘pling’ as the death knight sat down. She didn’t speak to Noikona as she rarely spoke to anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. Instead, Vainaa pulled out her stack of wanted posters and began to sift through them while waiting on breakfast.

(( down.))
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14 Dwarf Warrior
Gertha’s eyes snapped open. The light pouring through her window told her she had better get a move on. The rest of the girls would be wanting coffee and breakfast soon. She quickly changed out of her flannel nightgown and splashed some cold water on her face.

A most delightful aroma hit her as soon as she reached the top of the stairs. Perhaps Vainaa had brought something from the bakery she wondered.

Stepping off the bottom stair, she entered the front room, noticing Noikona and Vainaa sitting in comfortable silence. At least, Gertha figured it was comfortable for Vainaa – nothing seemed to phase that death knight. As for Noikona – it was still a bit eerie to see the boss’ face and body on the one the boss hated. Although, if Gertha was correct in her assumptions, the war between those two was settling into a sort of tentative truce as they figured out how to correct their current predicament.

Gertha herself wasn’t one to hold grudges. She had let go of her anger as soon as she and Noikona had had that little chat in the Recluse some time ago. She smiled as Noikona looked up at her.

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34 Gnome Rogue

Lrigknab nearly crashed into Gertha as she barreled into the room. “Gerty! What did you make? Can I have the first bite? Please? I’m super hungr-,“ her flurry of words ceased as soon as she saw Noikona and immediately ducked behind Vainaa’s chair and poked the death knight. “Save me?”


((Why is there a time limit for making another post right after you make one?))

((*Tags Noikona* I've decided it's your turn. I'm going to wait to post Ash's entrance until after you do. :P))
Edited by Lrigknab on 12/19/2013 1:52 PM PST
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41 Human Warrior
Noikona sighed quietly, rising from her chair she walked into the kitchen. Without speaking she uncovered the apple cake. She carefully cut portions, placing them on ready plates; she turned to others and spoke “I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of cooking some breakfast.”

She half smiled as she took a plate and sat down in the chair she had been seated in earlier. She gingerly took a bite and smiled with approval at her effort. Looking to the others she commented “Please help yourselves there is plenty?”
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32 Human Paladin
Azheira woke slowly. Her mind felt at peace and her body wasn’t as tense as it had been these last few weeks. As she stretched, she realized why. This was the first time she had slept well since the body swap. The gardener must have been right. He had told them they were having each other’s nightmares because their bodies were at odds with the soul currently inhabiting them. They would need to sleep in the same vicinity to keep that cooperative energy Adrazel had talked about harmonious.

“Who knew a man who digs in the dirt would be so smart.”

Ash got out of bed and carefully stood up. She wasn’t about to knock her head on the ceiling again. She had done that too many times already in this taller body. The water in the basin was icy cold, but she splashed it all over her naked body anyway. Shivering, she grabbed a towel off the rack nearby and dried off. The mirror over the basin gave her pause. The eyes staring back at her were becoming more familiar, yet she was still a bit shocked every time she saw her current image.

Muffled voices could be heard through her closed door. She frowned and quickly reached for her clothes. She knew she needed to get downstairs before any chairs were thrown.

She reached the front room just as Noikona spoke and sat down. Looking around the room Ash noticed the hesitation on the other’s faces. Another sigh, so many of those coming from her lately, as she reached for a plate. As she sat next to Vainaa she pulled on one of Lrigknab’s pigtails and handed the plate to the gnome. She then passed out plates and forks to Vainaa, Gertha and herself. She gave each of her employees a pointed glance and began eating.

Each of them thanked Noikona before consuming the apple cake. Gertha beamed and was profuse in her gratitude, Vainaa was her usual insincere self, and Lrigknab mumbled her thanks rather incoherently.

Azheira rolled her eyes at all of them.
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32 Human Paladin

Azheira drew a solid line through the last item on the list. She set the pencil down into the groove on her desk that had been hollowed out for the purpose of holding writing utensils. Her hand was a little unsteady as she pulled it back.

They were so close. Yesterday, she and Noikona had finished collecting all the reagents required for the ritual to return them to their natural bodies. Her gaze shifted from the piece of parchment in front of her to the small chest sitting on the shelf above her head.

Within that box were nine of the reagents. Noikona held the tenth. Azheira stood, picked up the chest and carried it carefully to her bed. Pulling the key from her pocket, she unlocked the container and stared at the items inside for probably the 17th time today. It was as if she was trying to reassure herself they were all still there.

All they needed now was to gather the necessary people to perform the ritual. Adrazel had been so very helpful throughout this entire process, but she would need help. This could be more than she could handle.

Azheira closed the lid and made sure the latch was locked tight. A feeling of desperation washed over her as one hand reached out to trace the edge of the chest with her fingertips. Everything was so close to being back to normal. The ritual had to go off as planned. It had to.
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41 Human Warrior
The crystal vile was just as warm as the day it was created. Noikona sighed in relief as she placed the potion back into the small lockbox. She had wanted to keep the vial with the rest of the items, but felt it was safer to keep this one item separate. The gardener had told of its possible volatile nature so keeping it away from the other items seemed to be the best thing to do. They had worked so hard the last couple of weeks gather the items. She didn’t want to chance damaging them by a simple mistake. It would be easier to replace one item then all ten.

Opening the door of her room she quietly walked to the front entrance. She didn’t want to alert Lrigknab as it was awkward enough for both of them. She had no idea what was going on in her head, but she thought it prudent to limit her time with her. No reason to make matters worse by a word being misinterpreted and have tempers fly.

She left the house with a book in hand and began walking to her favorite spot to read, the cliff face that overlooked the remains of the park.
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100 Draenei Warrior
Her left wrist lay flat in the metal clasps. Screws were tightened slowly, causing the pressure on her forearm to extend her fingers. She watched as a new hand bracelet was gently removed from its container. Its metallic surface reflected dully in the torchlight. The bracelet had a ring for each of her fingers. The top flat of the bracelet which would adorn the top of her hand was emblazoned with the crest of the Alliance. The forefinger right above the knuckle was festooned with a large blue gem, its purpose most likely to track her movements or subdue her if she were to become unruly. The fingers of the bracelet that extended from the rings to its base looked to be that of bone and they were hinged to flex naturally with the movements of her hand. The metal itself was made of an enchanted saronite able to withstand extreme forces in the event the bracelet was to be struck. There was an audible hiss as the last ring was placed over her pinky and the wristband tightened magically. The whole bracelet shimmered as it attuned itself with her and shaped itself to her hand.

The clasps where released and Noikona was helped out of the chair. She looked down at her hand and reflected on the freedom she had, had in the past weeks. She sighed deeply as she was directed out of the room and back to the warden’s office. It appeared as though things were back to normal, but at least now she felt as though her life was much more peaceful.
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90 Human Paladin
If the street had been less crowded, the determined footsteps of the paladin would surely have been heard as she made her way through Cathedral Square. Rounding the corner quickly, she had to dodge several of the orphans who were allowed to run wild in the streets. A small frown flitted across her face as she glanced at Matron Nightengale.

“…children,” she muttered.

With her face upturned the sign hanging outside the building was clearly visible. Her blonde hair swung softly around her face as she walked up the ramp and entered the building.

Approximately thirty minutes later the paladin exited the Stormwind Union's offices. Resolve was still in her stride, but her expression was a bit unsure. Her plan hadn’t quite worked out as she had anticipated, but there was still hope. She was just going to have to adapt the strategy. Hopefully, Noikona wouldn’t be obstinate and refuse.

Perhaps Adrazel would be able to help convince her friend this was the right thing to do.
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