Silversage Clan is now recruiting for 10 man

90 Gnome Warlock
Silversage Clan is recruiting experienced raiders for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 6:30-9:30 ST. Our group consists of eight tight-knit, experienced, and dedicated raiders that transferred from another server at the start of MoP and two raiders that share the same qualities that we picked up along the way that have become irreplaceable to us. Since the launch of MoP our struggle as a raid group has been keeping a steady roster of ten. MSV, HoF, and ToES were not the best start for us. We filtered through several players attempting to raid 3 days a week with an ever-changing roster but it was hardly successful. ToT was released and we emerged with 10 dedicated raiders that put the time and effort into being competitive for 10-man raiding. 2 months and 17 days after the release of ToT we downed our first heroic for the expansion. The fourth to do so on the server. From then on we had poor attendance due to work, summer, etc etc.

With the release of SoO we are now 6/14 N after starting four weeks late and are moving quickly. With the holidays coming up some of our raiders are held back due to work or being sick or what have you and are only able to raid two days a week, holding back progression. Friday nights are where we tend to run into attendance issues. Let me make it clear that I do NOT fault these people for anything. Real life is ALWAYS greater than WoW but as a group we want to continue to progress in SoO. Therefore we are currently recruiting competent raiders who are willing to put forth the time and effort to help us progress. As a guild we have high expectations of ourselves and we expect the same from you. We are looking for 1-2 healers and 1-2 dps that are geared and experienced. Our roles are flexible if we find suitable replacements. I will do my best to make sure everyone is treated fairly if we end up having more than ten people that want to raid on any given night. We are also interested in running a flex group. The date and time is TBD. We have cleared the first two wings with very little time put into it.

Our composition is as follows:
Tanks: Truenoslobo (Warrior and former DPS) Fluffins (Monk and former DPS on Tatlanna)

DPS: Pockèt (Warlock Raid Leader and former Healer on Kásumí and Kanè) Beefydotz (Warlock) Señoraclean (Mage) Whipshot (Hunter) Silentshoo (Rogue)

Healers: Exgala (Paladin and former Tank) Arinu (Shaman) Selvune (Druid)
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90 Gnome Warlock
9/14 N as of 11/1/13. Still looking for 1-2 dps and 1-2 heals for progression. All that are looking for a guild are welcome. Come join us!
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90 Gnome Warlock
Bump. 10/14 N as of 11/6/13
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100 Gnome Warlock
I am looking for a raid, but not a guild. Am not available wednesdays, but tues/friday, or as a fill-in would be nice. healer is Ironarc (holy priest), dps would be Ironclaw (frostmage).
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