WANTED!: Three human skulls.

100 Troll Warlock
::A flyer has been posted at various inns both Horde and Alliance around Azeroth and Draenor. Posted in the middle of the night, spanning a months time, the flyers poped up every few days apart. In a scrawled primal script, any who wish to read them, read the following.::

"Da Eternal Desert calls! Fer years da human infestation has been runnin unchecked. Worse, dey be tinkin de be some sort of champions of da world! No more! Dis gonna be endin! Da desert, it spoke and has asked fer sumtin simple, da skulls of three humans. Dosnt matter da age, da gender, who dey even be. Da desert has asked me ta put da call out an see who acts, for or against it! Joo be wantin da give da skulls to me, den joo be leavin em at da Bones of Grakkarond. Joo be against dis, den bring yer own skull to da bones. Dun worry, I not be settin a trap. It not matter who I am, if joo be knowin me or not. Da Eternal Desert calls! Dats WHAT matters!"
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92 Night Elf Druid
Baring her teeth in a snarl, Aziriel shoves a small bag of money towards the terrified woman, who stops reading the flyer and flees with the money to a safer neighbourhood in Stormwind. The druid peers again at the roughly-scratched words, sighing heavily.

"Az not like humans either. But not even offer food reward! Az keep skulls to self, thank very much."

She vanishes into the crowd towards the gates of Stormwind. She is patient, the woman will return home. Eventually. "Skulls for Az, not Desert. Az play better."

(( Why no bribes, Didios?! Why? *sad* ))
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100 Troll Warlock
::As the Night Elf walks away from the flyer a small brown scarab scuttles out from a crack behind the paper. Fluttering it's wings a few times it then takes off, bobbing and weaving about gaining altitude while following the elf. Gazing through a torn out human's eye, a troll, Didios watches the elf and the woman part from the posting, then the elf as his scarab follows her. Sitting on a large bone of some long dead beast out in the middle of Tanaris, with his free hand Didios grasps a palm full of sand and speaks to it.::

Maybe dis one be needin sum pushin. Not be likin da elves, but dey better den da humans! Dis one still operates on greed....maybe dat can be used. Maybe....

Joo want me tah ask em? Oke doke! When da time is right!

::The troll continues to converse with his handful of sand while switching back to looking into the eye to see where the elf that has attention goes.::

((Bribes is bad! For now anyways!))
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