Box Social Date change to Dec 8 4 pm

100 Human Paladin
As noted in header, the date has been changed to December 8. We encourage everyone to get involved. These events are always a lot of fun for everyone. We will be combining the box social with more fun giveaway and games events since it's close to winter veil and we want to thank our friends on CC for all the fun we've had over the years.

Also, keep watch on the forums for some fun games that will start here.

It's time for another box social. For those of you who aren't familiar with these, they are based on the old church socials where the women would bring fancy lunches in decorated boxes to church and the men would bid on them. Whoever won the bid would eat lunch with the lady who made the lunch.

We change it up a bit and alternate it so the men make it one time and the ladies the next. The bidding is always a lot of fun. The auctioneer has a description of the box. The person who made it keeps the goodies for the lunch with them and shares it with their partner after the bidding.

We will be including rare pets with each lunch this time and it's possible a sky golem will also may be up for bid. If not, we will try to have another rare mount as the grand prize.

As always, the gold raised is used to promote roleplay on CC. If you have an event you need help with or you have a new guild, or a small guild and need help, please contact us, we want to help.
Edited by Gentyl on 11/24/2013 8:57 AM PST
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92 Night Elf Druid
Yay, box social! Men or women bringing this time, Gen?
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100 Night Elf Priest

If you don't get the Sky Golem, please let me know.

I can certainly bring something.

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100 Human Paladin
Ladies will be furnishing lunches this time. I wish you all could see the fabulous array of pets that will be going with the lunches. If you like companion pets or battle pets, there is something for everyone. There are some very nice and very rare pets in the mix as well as some not so rares for the budget conscious. We'll also be giving away prizes. We highly encourage ladies to donate lunches. This is always a lot of fun for everyone involved. Come bid on a great lunch and a great pet or a sky golem for a wonderful cause.

As always, if you have an event and need help financially, please contact us. If you have a new or small guild and need help, contact us. That's what these events are for. If you see a newcomer to the server, let us know so we can get a care package to them on behalf of Cenerion Circle.
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100 Human Paladin
Elven, you are always very gracious with your donations and we certainly appreciate it. If any of you run across Qctavian, please thank him. He has been busy farming some very nice, rare pets for the box social pets and we are very excited about the prized that will be available thanks to him. Also thanks to Broodin for furnishing the sky golem. This is going to be a fun even and we hope you all will turn out to help support CC rp.
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100 Gnome Priest
Aww, poocakes. Was so looking forward to this, but I'm going to have to withdraw my box. I run a Hordeside event on Sundays that conflicts. I rescheduled to be able to make it to the original date, but can't reschedule the one on the 8th.
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42 Night Elf Druid
sang may be there depends on damn work.
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90 Pandaren Priest
There most certainly is a sky golem included with the box of a certain foxy pandaren.
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100 Human Paladin
Calendre will be including the High Society Top Hat with her lunch and I believe she has also donate several soy sauce. Also Elvenmoon is donating a battered Hilt with her lunch. This is a rare opportunity for those of you who have been farming that item forever to at last own it.
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100 Human Paladin
Correction, Cal is including 25 Ironpaw tokens with her lunch.
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100 Human Paladin
Khromie, I am so sorry.
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100 Human Paladin
Elvenmoon has donated a Battered Hilt with her lunch.
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