The Bláck Legion (A-Side RP Guild)

90 Worgen Hunter
So I've been writing a book/trilogy called The Black Legion and I decided I want to RP it here in the WoW universe, no it won't be the same thing as my books but you'll get a taste of it and some of the characters (Where else would I test things out XD). Here is a little bit of it I've been spending time writing.


The sounds of the dead and dying were all that could be heard, even the roar of the dragon-fire was muted by their sounds. All around him were bodies, bodies of men and women who had their faces and limbs dissolved by the touch of a toxic gas. It was the Plague all over again, he thought numbly to himself, who could do something like this? Why would they? So close to their victory. The young man was Alaric Morgan, a paladin Lieutenant with the Stormwind Military and he couldn't fathom why this had happened. He continued to walk the field, not able to realize why he was doing what he was doing. The white armor he wore starting to be smudged by the dirt and ash of all the death around him.

An armored fist came down on the young man's shoulder and suddenly it was a flurry of motion as he raised his mace, calling upon the Light to smite the enemy, whatever or whoever it was so lost in his horror. A brilliant flash of Light burst out from the small Paladin yet it was Alaric who found himself on his back. "You should not strike those who come to help you from the Darkness." A voice said, it was calm, patient. It held notes of empathy, wisdom and even cynicism. Yet it was a friendly voice, the voice of a comrade or brother. Alaric spat and got to his feet, eying the man, for now he saw it was a man but he was solidly built, a bit shorter than Alaric's six foot two inch frame yet he was far broader.

"Who are you?" Alaric asked simply, not choosing to bandy words with anyone at this moment. "Who I am is not the real question you should be asking." He said simply, the voice again was hard, full of authority and confidence yet it was not unkind. It was as if he was drawing out Alaric from himself. It bothered Alaric how easily this man annoyed him, he was a paladin! He would not fall into anger so easily, yet here he was wishing to simply punch the man and leave him in the dirt and ash. "Then pray tell what is the question I should be asking?" Alaric spat out, he didn't care how he sounded in this moment. What his mentors would say, what his friends would say.

A laugh came from behind the paladin, the cold chill of the grave echoing through it and he spun his mace once again coming up to defend himself. "The boy is as blind as they are Captain." The voice said, the hazy form of a very tall Death Knight just barely visible in the clouds of smoke that clung to the ground around the Wrathgate. "Much like you once were brother. Much like they all are." He said, sounding far wiser than any human who was of combat age should be. "Who the devil are you! Speak quickly! I have no time for games!" Alaric shouted, his rage exploding out of him as he said those words, he hated this verbal back and forth what was the point in wasting so much time?

"You ask the wrong question, even within your mind. You ask who would do such a thing. When you should be asking, why are they doing this." The first man said, his black armor, edged in gold, looking menacing with its collection of stud spikes of silver metal. The blade on his back looking deadly as it thrummed with an inner life. Alaric narrowed his gaze now, wondering who this man was; he wore no tabard or insignia yet he sounded like a man in charge even the Death Knight differed to him. "Who are they?" He asked quietly as he eased his stance, willing to hear the man out.

"The rest of the world paladin. The Alliance, the Horde. Even those organizations which are comprised of both sides. They are the ones causing all this." He said spreading his arms to encompass the entirety of the Wrathgate slaughter. As he said it he continued, "They are weak. They have fallen from their path into Darkness. We will correct these mistakes." He said simply, and before Alaric could debate with him he raised a hand for silence and continued. "Soldiers live and wonder why." He stated, letting the words hang in the air and forcing Alaric to think about them.

Edited by Silvèr on 11/12/2013 1:51 PM PST
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90 Worgen Hunter
Those words struck a cord with Alaric for they put into a simple sentence everything he had been thinking. Why did he survive? Why not others? Why did these events, this fighting have to happen? What was the point of it all? As Alaric continued to mull these thoughts over the man before him removed his helm and smiled at the young paladin. He couldn't have been more than a few years older than Alaric yet his eyes, light grey, were hard with confidence and understanding as if he had seen too much in his young life. Alaric now awed somewhat by this man relaxed his pose and said quietly, "Who are you?" His words echoing quietly around the small area as the sounds of the dying faded away from them.

At his words the man simply smiled and stuck out his hand, something held within his palm, offering it to Alaric. "I am Silver Longshadow. I am the man who will give you everything you ever dreamed of. I am the man who will save you from the Darkness. I am the Captain of the Black Legion." He said simply as Alaric inspected the sigil, emblazoned with a skull missing its lower jaw and held within the grasp of an iron fist. "Welcome to the start of everything you ever hoped for." The words came from behind Alaric, from the Death Knight who whispered them reverently, as if it were more than true.


This is a bit of intro into how it came into existence. Its a militaristic organization built around the premise that the Alliance and Horde simply are falling into habits and going after each other for all the wrong reasons. The Legion exists to protect Azeroth from what they believe is the real threat (Things like the Sha and the Burning Legion etc.). Yet they are not opposed to going after the Horde and Alliance in equal measure as well. They would fall into the category of "We fight for the Greater Good and are going to beat it into your heads that you are wrong."

The main goals of this guild are RP-PvP to help pick up roleplaying all across the server (Cenarion Circle) and to try and draw more interest into roleplaying. I've loved RP-PvP since WoW's inception having been a huge addict to it in Vanilla and Burning Crusade. Its fun, exciting and generates a lot of server interaction and with the coming 5.3 changes it will feel a -lot- like the old Vanilla PvP. If you have questions or thoughts please post them here!

The server is Cenarion Circle with a guild that is level 24 almost 25. If you are interested poke me either on btag (SxLongshadow#1254) or on Alliance side CC in allianceooc!

Questions/Comments are welcome.

TL;DR Concept: The Black Legion is a mercenary company based out of Booty Bay and the tavern owned by two of its Captains, Silver Entreri and Ashok Longshadow. It is an organization based around the premise that the constant faction in-fighting is folly and will lead the whole of Azeroth down a dark path that it can't get away from. The Legion's objectives center around dealing with as many 3rd party threats (Old Gods, Burning Legion, etc) as they can while others of the Horde and Alliance waste their time fighting each other.

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100 Gnome Priest
((Hi-Ho Silver!....
Sorry, I couldn't help myself :P
... Its an interesting concept you've got there. Thank you for the story bits! I do hope to see more of the Black Legion RPers around azeroth :D))
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90 Human Monk
((Hi-Ho Silver!....
Sorry, I couldn't help myself :P
... Its an interesting concept you've got there. Thank you for the story bits! I do hope to see more of the Black Legion RPers around azeroth :D))

Thanks for the support! :D

We have some concept art for our base now floating around on google, hit me up on any of my many toons Alliance side if you want to take a peak at it and/or have questions about the Black Legion!
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90 Human Monk
Friendly bump.
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90 Human Monk
Silver had his hat pulled low over his face, hiding his features to all but those who were seriously looking for the Bounty Hunter. He was standing in the Trade District of Stormwind, looking about at all the goings on in the bustling district. Even at dusk the area was still thriving with trade and commerce. He spit out the cigarette in his mouth and moved over to the Call Board, flanked by two guardsmen who didn't pay the bounty hunter any mind other than to watch him a bit.

Another chuckle echoed out of him, "'Ello boys..." He muttered in his thick accented voice, pinning up two pieces of paper, having repeated the process at every major city and port that was either Alliance controlled or neutral.

To All Interested Parties.

The Black Legion is recruiting all able bodied individuals interested in raking in a sizable amount of gold as well as fame. The Black Legion is one of the larger mercenary companies, based out of Booty Bay and the Legion's End Tavern, it has fought for the Alliance and other neutral interests, most recently the dethroning of Garrosh Hellscream.

Anyone interested enough to journey south to Booty Bay is welcome to poke in the Tavern and request a free drink and conversation.

Silver nodded to himself before stepping away and turning back towards his bike, his job done now all that was left was to wait.
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