Pricing issues

55 Tauren Paladin
Howdy folks,

I'm a wow vet who is new to the RP world and new to Cenarion Circle. I was out and about today farming ores on my warrior and found a rare chest in Swamp of Sorrows. Open it up and found Orb of Deception

I have main toons on normal and pvp servers and this item sells for roughly 4-5k. Any rough idea on what I should try to list it on this server?

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That's a fun drop! I'm less than super savvy when it comes to the ah- if it were me, I'd probably list it for something comparable and/or post it in trade chat and see what kind of interest you get.

Remember- one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Welcome to Cenarion Circle.
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100 Human Warlock
Honestly, my usual approach is to start higher than the average, and lower it gradually if it doesn't sell. That way, you don't miss out on a chance for a higher price.
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