How to roleplay a dragon.

86 Human Warrior
and wtf does skin color have to do with anything?

It's a small trend. A lot of Black Dragons in human form have darker skin than the rest of the people. See: That guy in Dragonblight.
94 Night Elf Druid
Random Point:

Night Elves are adept at discovering dragons in their disguises

^ Therefore RPing a Dragon means you have to tell every elf you pass by.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Hi Ysundre! ^^

Elves .. NIGHT Elves, are intensly epic at discovering dragons.
HELLO!??!?!?!?!?!?!! Night Elves. Doi.
94 Night Elf Druid
Hi! :D

Suni was originally a Dragonsworn, but I think my RP was just... too spechial snowflake. I hardly RP her anymore, and if I do, it needs to be changed.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I bet you can RP good.
Like in that RP interactive I made. Those are good commands. :D
94 Night Elf Druid
Lul. I pride myself in knowing some lore. I often challenge people to quizzes, in which I know over half the answers to. The only races I really know to in-depth points are Worgen and Night Elf... Goodness, I didn't even know who ruled the human race for one day in the First War! (Adamant Wrynn, 'parently.)
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
85 Human Warrior
ITS OVER NINETHOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now that I got that reference out of my finger tips, lets get to the thing about dragon rp.


If you don't know them and didn't plan it, don't tell them that you are a dragon in any form, even ooc. Why? Because if you do, the chances of them finding IC about your dragonawesomeness will become pretty high and you will become a fail dragon.

But of course, if you keep that little fact to yourself and maybe, by chance of luck and anti dragon magic, something happens, but more importantly, try to keep the dragony thingy to people who you ooc know would ic know that you are a dragon.

Example, a dragon had to get out of dragon form to save someone and no one else was there or looking. That person now knows the secret, but you make him/her swear not to tell anyone. Now you got something of use to rp with.

Of course, the overly dramatic dragons give us other dragon rpers a bad name.
6 Tauren Shaman
My answer is:
No, you don't RP a dragon.

You can RP as worshiping a dragon or something, but NO PLAYER IS A DRAGON. They are their own race, just like you selected. Otherwise it gets into OP imbalance, boasting, disbelief, and complete non-draconic personalities.
94 Night Elf Druid
...Dragon roleplay would be very good in Cataclysm. In fact, even now, you have a fantastic option, but PLEAAASE keep these in mind!

~ Because Deathwing is the big baddy of Cataclysm, perhaps you want to roleplay a Black Dragon. This Dragonflight was once not corrupted, but it was taken over by the influence of the Old Gods. Since the Old Gods are corruption incarnate, Deathwing, having been under the earth so long, was corrupted by them. The flight now seeks to take over the world, and nothing, not even the Old Gods can stop them.

FOR ONE: Black Dragons love human form. They exclude themselves from the other flights, who usually take High Elven form. So in this case, in order to be different, they take on the forms of humans.

FOR TWO: Night Elves can easily detect a disguise of a dragon! That is WHY ONYXIA decided to go for the humans!

FOR THREE: A bit of a lore biggy here. Onyxia took on the title of Katrana Prestor to infiltrate the noble society of Stormwind. I'm not sure if it was for information, or to destroy it from within like her father would later (or before) as Prestor. A good roleplaying option is to be some obscure, possibly unimportant noble human from another kingdom who stays in Stormwind on diplomatic reasons. Alterac is thrown to the dust. Your Black Dragon has to be increasingly subtle. They want to destroy the Alliance and Horde, and then take over the world.

FOR FOUR: No Black Dragon is aware that Deathwing is causing the earthquakes. Although it is very earth related, Deathwing did not suddenly tell some Black Dragon, not even a lesser one or his not-really-dead mate Sintharia about his plans. In fact, from the cinematic, it was quite unintentional. Your Black Dragon has to be terribly confused about the quakes. You can't meta-game the knowledge that this is Deathwing, although from being a noble, you can acquire enough information to eventually put two and two together. Just keep it to yourself. No Black Dragon would even tell anyone it's Deathwing. They'd wait out their time and plot.

On that ^ note of information, Halion says he is the herald of Deathwing. Twilight Dragons may be in on the plot, but you're a BLACK dragon! 'Scuse me.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
You may RP as a dragon, but atleast know how to.

You CAN RP as a dragon. Ok?

94 Night Elf Druid
Twilight Dragons are the new favored of Deathwing. That's why they know more then simple Black Dragons, who shouldn't know anything at all. Deathwing has basically let his flight go, and put all of his confidence into the new flight.
85 Night Elf Warrior
I'm trying to figure out where everyone's getting that Night Elves can detect dragons. Is there a link somewhere? Just curious.
85 Human Warrior
I'm trying to figure out where everyone's getting that Night Elves can detect dragons. Is there a link somewhere? Just curious.
They seemed very in tune with nature, and dragons are different forces of nature((EXSPECIALLY BLACK DRAGONS)) and therefor they would have a higher chance of detecting them. Anyone in tune with nature has a good chance of detecting them. An in game example was with Onyxia when she was in her secretive human form making stormwind complete doo doo, hunters could put up track dragonoid and she would shine up on the map.
85 Night Elf Warrior
I suppose. But don't you think Dragons might have picked up on that by now? "Hmm. We're trying to hide. We're good with magic. They can detect us. Hmmmm...."
85 Human Warrior
I suppose. But don't you think Dragons might have picked up on that by now? "Hmm. We're trying to hide. We're good with magic. They can detect us. Hmmmm...."
They do, why do you think that there is no secret dragon infiltration attempt in Darnassus? And in major alliance cities unless it is in districts where night elves tend to avoid?
94 Night Elf Druid
"Humans are also far less sensitive to the presence of dragons than other races. night elves, for instance, can identify a dragon with relative ease. "

This is from under 'Guises'.
85 Night Elf Warrior
"Humans are also far less sensitive to the presence of dragons than other races. night elves, for instance, can identify a dragon with relative ease. "

This is from under 'Guises'.

Thanks. :3 That's what I was looking for.
100 Blood Elf Warlock
How to Roleplay a Dragon:

You don't.
83 Worgen Hunter
I always thought RPing as a dragon was a little akward. By that I mean, in order to be a good dragon you can't tell anyone your secret. And there are dragons that go around in humanoid form that hang around bars. There is a Bronze Dragon posing as a High Elf in World's End Tavern.....the one in Shattrath City.

A Dragonsworn on the much more possible concidering you are still your race but you are obsessed with dragons and do their bidding. As a Dragonsworn, the attitude of the flight you are with will most likely rub off on you somewhat. And if you are a Dragonsworn you won't have any draconic features unless you are incredibly powerful, so most of the time you will not be able to be told apart form non-dragonsworn.

Also as a Dragonsworn you will be mostly out doing the bidding of your flight, as you would be kind of worthless in Stormwind or Silvermoon just chatting and drinking. If anything you would prefer to hang out at the Wyrmrest Temple. My Troll Druid will eventually get Vial of the Sands and the dragon form is simply a unique form to him, but I have concidered making him a Dragonsworn of the Bronze Flight in order to obtain the form, but I'm sitll not sure.
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