Why DO I have this monkey?

85 Tauren Druid
I have quite a menagerie of animals. My excuse for that is that Ogrun's a very friendly ol' Druid, and with his bond to animals (beings a Feral Druid) he can communicate with them to some degree (if they allow him to hear them) and befriend them. He used to have a rabbit follow him all the time, but that's rabbit gone to another story! Now it's a turtle. I still need to think of a name, but for comic relief, I had Ogrun try to have the turtle choose it's own name.

Wilbert.. Or Henry? Hmn..

Anyway! My excuse is that Ogrun befriends mostly small forest animals, which is the same he usually does for people. He even lets the animals stick around in his robe and kilt.. Not too sure how to explain that, though.. They just chill out and hang on for the ride.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I like to hang out with my pandaren monk in ratchet, he's a good drinking buddy of mine. And when I'm in my casual clothes in boot bay I like to have any of my parrots out.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Slaye's Teldrassil Sproutling is "Little Bough" who is a young treant who followed her out of Feralas one day. He's been around ever since.

She also has a calico cat named Solume.
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10 Worgen Rogue
Khoine has an incessant little lich (The Cellar Demon) that followed her out of a tavern cellar one day and hasn't given up yet.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
My death knight has a cat that follows her around.

It was her pet when she was alive and after being freed from the Lich King, she went back home, dug up her old pet and used holy magics to raise it back up. It's a pile of bones, sinew and dirt caked fur that trails at her heels, meowing painfully but in no real harm.

Lan here doesn't even use a pet IC, so it's hard for me to use a non combat pet. The wolf I use in instances her her house pet, though, so I can easily go "Oh, I'm taking him for a walk!" if someone catches me IC and with my pet out.
Edited by Lanuria on 1/14/2011 9:52 AM PST
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5 Goblin Hunter
me and my crab leeroy are friends, just found him on kezan beach, offered him cheese, and he followed me home. despite what most would say about owning a crab for a pet, he's pretty intelligent, he can communicate pretty well, he likes fish and cheese, he once defeated the evil bomb throwing monkey of guadamala, and he is a accomplished assassin.. well of.. lesser.. rodents.. (for now) as for my penguin mr.chilly... i guess he's my bird familiar... i really like meeting new monsters be they neutral to hostile so beast mastery is my all time favorite spec.
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
My DK found a pug in an alley in old town. She fed it and it followed her around. She named it Arthas and made it learn a bunch of tricks.
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69 Human Warlock
"Dear Journal. I think that, at some point, I'm going to have to take Drooghun to obedience training. While visiting the zoo today, he all of a sudden broke off his leash and starting leaping for the Northrend exhibit. Since felhunters are technically not even allowed to be ON leashes in public parks, the guards got called in pretty quickly. Fortunately, I managed to restrain Droo before he ate one of the penquins. I tried to get Nazrida to calm it down, but (like always) she overdid it. Now, the penguin starts to get panic attacks if he's not five feet from me at all times. The end result? Thanks to these pitiful excuses for demonic beings, I'm now stuck with a 50g fine for bringing Droo to the park, I have to give a written apology to the caretaker of the zoo, and I have a macaroni penguin trying to fall asleep against my leg. And it's still only Tuesday."
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