I have quite a menagerie of animals. My excuse for that is that Ogrun's a very friendly ol' Druid, and with his bond to animals (beings a Feral Druid) he can communicate with them to some degree (if they allow him to hear them) and befriend them. He used to have a rabbit follow him all the time, but that's rabbit gone to another story! Now it's a turtle. I still need to think of a name, but for comic relief, I had Ogrun try to have the turtle choose it's own name.
Wilbert.. Or Henry? Hmn..
Anyway! My excuse is that Ogrun befriends mostly small forest animals, which is the same he usually does for people. He even lets the animals stick around in his robe and kilt.. Not too sure how to explain that, though.. They just chill out and hang on for the ride.
Wilbert.. Or Henry? Hmn..
Anyway! My excuse is that Ogrun befriends mostly small forest animals, which is the same he usually does for people. He even lets the animals stick around in his robe and kilt.. Not too sure how to explain that, though.. They just chill out and hang on for the ride.