Roleplaying a Death Knight

7 Draenei Priest
So...I've been thinking with Cataclysm around the corner and new lore developments, about making a death knight on a new RP server. A Second War veteran Death Knight, not the emo guys.

They were originally warlocks, and not all of them were killed (having retreated and hid from the Legion). With the blood curse lifted and the immediate threat of the Legion gone, there's no immediate reason to hide considering the Horde accepts warlocks into their ranks and there is definitely safety in numbers considering the events of the Cataclysm. Especially if, say...some were sent among the ranks of the Forsaken, to spy on them for the Orcs. Would be a perfect job for a veteran Death Knight, considering they're orc-possessed human corpses, warlocks, and would fit right in.

Thoughts, feedback, tips? Bueller?
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80 Undead Priest
Only problem I see with this is that the second war deathknights from my understanding did not have teh same powers as the new ones. from my understanding they are warlocks in plate with necromantic abilities. From an rp/gameplay perspective you'd probably have to be unholy sinec blood and frost weren't second war deathknight skills. Also a deathcharger would be hard to explain might wanna use a differrent mount. and finnaly not all deathknights are emo you could play a valiant warrior who endures for the honor of fighting for the horde or as a man you feared death and sees his new condition as a blessing no longer having to deal with the chores of life nor the constant possibiility of death. just thoughts.
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83 Worgen Hunter
Actually the player incarnation of the Death Knight (known to some as the third series Death Knight, with the Orcish ones from WC2 as the first and the Scourge ones from WC3 as the second) is a mixture of the first two, although Unholy has the majority of the Second War Death Knight's powers.

Definetly an interesting character concept, it is actually rarely scene. An Undead who is actually an Orc Warlock posessing a human corpse. Keep in mind that the New Horde would look at you with distrust, as you were a product of Gul'dan, a hated enemy of the shamanistic Horde.

As far as a mount goes, Acherus Deathchargers wouldn't make sense obviously, but Gorefiend (who is a WC2 DK) uses the Forsaken mount, perhaps you use that.
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7 Draenei Priest
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I'm going with an Undead warlock for it, it's conceptually the closest thing to a Second War DK that's in the game. The thing is, to the best of my memory WC2 death knights were certainly casters, and quite squishy compared to other Horde units.

My roleplaying hook is that instead of going with Gul'dan and the rest of the Shadow Council and Stormreaver clan to the Tomb of Sargeras...he figured no good would come of it, deserted and hid a cave. Big damn hero. Being ritually slaughtered and bound to a dead human body doesn't entirely make one as happy as they could be with the management. Between two-and-a-half decades of living in isolation and the lifting of the blood curse, he's gone a bit nuttier than before and lost most of his necromantic power, falling back on his original training as a warlock to get by. He lucked out and ran into the Forsaken after leaving his cave, went to Undercity and from there to Orgrimmar.

For the moment, people seem to just assume he's a new Forsaken warlock, which is just fine by him. He can keep his head down and B.S. his way through the rest.
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