Hi! I'm Squidgie!

11 Gnome Warlock
Squidgie the Moist Gnome o' Love here! I wanted to say good morning to all the heroic adventurers of Azeroth and beyond! Squidgie is excited to be a part of your tales, and can't wait to give moist, loving hugs to everyone! Horde or Alliance, Squidgie loves everybody! If you see Squidgie out in the world, give him a /hug! I'll dance and caper for you, and then hug you back, and we'll have hilarious, possibly sopping adventures together!

Squidgie is excited for the possibilities!
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100 Draenei Warrior
*stares with a look of horror, taking a step back, then two steps, then bolts and runs in the opposite direction*
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90 Pandaren Warrior
You had me at 'moist'.
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90 Undead Warrior
Moist and succulent, yesss. Give us.

*gnashes her teeth horribly, drooling at the thought of a tender gnomish morsel*
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11 Gnome Warlock
*moistly hugs Daci*

I love you all!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
You lost me at 'love'.
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11 Gnome Warlock

*moist hugs all around*
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90 Human Death Knight
Maybe we can use him as a squeegie to clean windows!?
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100 Draenei Warrior
*Thinks for a moment*

Maybe we could make gnome cider out of him? I mean if he is that soggy? You never know. It might sell?
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11 Gnome Warlock
Squidgie isn't for drinking, Squidgie is for squishy, loving hugs! Squidgie loves Noikona nonetheless, and would happily hug ALL the people from Fruit of Elune! Squidgie will be a fierce raider one day, he knows, and he's well aware of the illustrious (but not moist! Why? WHY?!) history of FoE!

*hugs everyone*
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100 Worgen Rogue
*vigorously attacks the "moist" gnome with a towel*
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90 Undead Death Knight
Squidgie the Moist Gnome o' Love here! I wanted to say good morning to all the heroic adventurers of Azeroth and beyond! Squidgie is excited to be a part of your tales, and can't wait to give moist, loving hugs to everyone! Horde or Alliance, Squidgie loves everybody! If you see Squidgie out in the world, give him a /hug! I'll dance and caper for you, and then hug you back, and we'll have hilarious, possibly soaping adventures together!

Squidgie is excited for the possibilities!

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100 Human Warrior
*is suspicious of this*
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11 Gnome Warlock
Squidgie knows Thanksgiving is coming up, and it's Squidgie's sincere (and moist!) hope that you all have a spectacular holiday! Squidgie realizes this is largely an American holiday, but Squidgie still wants all his Cenarion Circle playmates to feast, enjoy family and friends, and be recharged for ongoing adventures of love and moisture in Azeroth and beyond!

Happy Thanksgiving, Cenarion Circle!
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100 Draenei Warrior
*Wonders if she can get on the good side of the Syndicate by delivering them a fresh, moist gnome? Maybe even with an apple in its mouth. It is the season of giving after all*
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