Suni's Guide to RPing a Worgen

94 Night Elf Druid
Thank you so much for putting a link on Riverdawn! It's as great as getting a sticky. :P I'm honored to know this is good enough to be liked so much, but it should be, right? Hehe. Anywho, slightly shameful bump, even though bumps are considered spam. x.x. STILL! It's not a bump! I... I said---- Ah, well, keep reading. I hope you enjoy. :D
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94 Night Elf Druid
Cataclysm is coming out very soon! Be prepared and have your worgen backstories! Also, if you'd like to, you can post a few on this thread since it is a Worgen RP Guide.
Hint: Personalities first!

Please tell me if I should add anything else to the Worgen RP Guide, like more in-depth answers. I'll be sure to come up with a time-line, although it will be very rough considering even the Northgate Rebellion isn't specificed in a time. Thank you, again! <3
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100 Night Elf Druid
I'm not sure if someone brought this up, I didn't read the whole thread, but you're wrong about when the Druids of the Pack were around. It was long, long before Arugal or Velinde began working with the worgen. The worgens started as a druid form like bear or cat some time after the Sundering. The druids went mad and were sealed beneath a tree and their spirits in the Emerald Dream, that's correct.

Arugal's messing with the Book of Ur is what caused the worgen to become a curse instead of a druid form. His magic and the Scythe of Elune summoned the original worgen, the insane druids, from the Dream, but the reason that more were coming when Velinde stopped using the sychte was because Arugal altered the magic of the form into a curse, which seemed to affect all worgen and not just his.

So the Druids of the Pack were before anything else involving the worgen at all.
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94 Night Elf Druid
I think I knew this, I just didn't change it, because I read the worgen comic and the War of the Ancients is ten thousand years ago, and whenever the War of the Satyr, if not the same thing, had to be very close. So my bad, you are indeed right. I'll edit it, but most readers should see your post and be granted a better understanding. :P
Thank you for that little tidbit. ^.^
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85 Human Rogue
Great guide, very insightful into Gilnaen culture.

I have a question about RPing as a worgen, though. How bestial do you think a worgen could appropriately be without it going too far? Obviously, my character isn't going to take a bite out of the nearest person, but he might start staring hungrily at someone who is carrying raw meat, or growl and sniff at new people, or curl up in front of a fire instead of sleeping in a bed. Etc, etc. I want him to have a bestial, but somewhat controlled nature, but without being a furry. Or a wolf.
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94 Night Elf Druid
It depends. If your character is a Gilnean, they would generally have more control over their bestial side with the exception of occasional rages, although one quest has proved that their new side effects their lifestyle. Worgen could use the Shadowfang Keep as a living place, but prefer more natural places to live. Therefore, I think your point is valid about little things here and there that still remind people that they're worgen. I personally think these bestial things would come out more presently if they were in their worgen form, but there's really no definite line as far as I know.

Just remember that they used to live as civilized humans in Gilneas. Some of their aspects are affected by their new side, but I hope that helps.
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85 Human Rogue
When I described all the habits, I meant when he's in his worgen form. I think he'll be in that form mostly, and when he's not, his human form will just be twitchy and hyperactive, as if he's trying to compensate for losing his superior worgen senses.

Basically I'm going for his worgen form to be a sort of tracker, somewhere between a human and an animal.

And he is a Gilnaean, but I think he'll have embraced his worgen side as it allows him to be a better hunter and fighter.
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94 Night Elf Druid
I suppose it's plausible. The worgen, having Goldrinn (AKA wolf) instinct, may feel more at home doing some things that the human body wouldn't.

I think worgen are generally broad when it comes to a few things, and this is one of them. Reading quest text of worgen is always valuable because it gives insight. I might suggest (if you haven't already) going to places like Surwich in the Blasted Lands or Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest. There might be a few other worgen hubs I don't know about at this stage. There's about two worgen in Ashenvale and one in Auberdine, as well.

In a few days, when Cataclysm comes out, Gilnean starting zone quests are what I've mostly drawn from. Anywho, keep on goin'! :D
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100 Human Mage
There is a large Worgen hub in Felwood - Talonbranch Glade, at the very end of the zone, far to the north.

The main objective with them is dealing with Goblins doing their thing in northern Felwood.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Oh! Yes, I recall them. Thank you, xD. I guess that goes to enforce how worgen appreciate nature like Night Elves, if not as much. Natural habitat thing, I guess.

Also, the big Talonbranch kinda trees they have a borne of seeds from the original original one, which started with a D. It eventually expanded to Gilneas to become Tal'doren. Seeds were taken from that and spawned in Darnassus (The Howling Oak), the Blasted Lands (Via north of Surwich), and Talonbranch Glade. I may be missing one.
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94 Night Elf Druid
The one in Blasted Lands is called Maldraz. The one in Darnassus is called the Howling Oak. The one in Gilneas is called Tal'doren. The name of the one which the original druids slept under was Dral'nir. I believe the tree at Talonbranch Glade is refered to as the Talonbranch Tree or something, as it doesn't seem to have a name.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Cataclysm is coming out tomorrow! Well, midnight camping, but feast your eyes upon the guide! Time to make that worgen backstory! Or, if you already have one, make another. You can always use a worgen avatar on the forums for nifty roleplay. Be sure to click by other RP Guides if you need, help, people. You can always come with questions about worgen here, though! :D
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94 Night Elf Druid
Bump for Cataclysm!

~ Feel Free to Post your worgen stories here! ~

(Here's one of mine meanwhile!)

Guinnivere Applemore was once a young noble of Gilneas City. She was a strong believer of its laws and how wonderful it was, never a doubter of its rights and its awe-someness. Although she was but a teenager at the time of the Northgate Rebellion, the end results showed her that the only true Gilneans and that the best were those who believed in Gilneas. Completely stubborn, she sided with Genn Greymane and became a mere drone of her King, believing that Gilneas was the one and the only.

When the worgen came, she felt the need to pick up a sword. Terrible at it, the novice warrioress had no time to practice. She was terribly frightened, not at all a fighter because she was a noble. Unfortunately, she could not avoid being bitten.

Guinnivere did not want to leave Gilneas, but when she did, she didn't look back for fear that it would be her sirens call. Normally, she lives within her human form because she abhorrs the creature she became. Naturally tormented when she sees other worgen frequently or has to become one herself, she remains her noble self. Any remarks that anyone else makes about Gilneas she will counter.

The woman is picky, stubborn, but also confident. She holds her chin high for Gilneas, but cannot look down upon the citizens of Stormwind as they are very much her people now. Although she would stay in Darnassus, she feels more at home in Stormwind with other humans. She neglects her worgen side, and is often temperamental.

A few things that upset her is anyone calling her 'Guin'. She could only ever accept Guinnivere.
I'm not sure if I want her to have been married, but she's about twenty, born shortly after the wall was put up.

Edit: Guinevere (Or with two n's. Not much makes a difference) is an herbalist. She finds it reminds herself of Gilneas, which still digs a scarr within her, but she loves the scent of Stormwid and Gilnean roses. Luckily enough, she has secured some Gilnean perfume!
Edited by Ysundre on 12/7/2010 8:57 PM PST
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94 Night Elf Druid

Since the backstory of my guide has been edited continuously, I feel the need to "revise" a few things in this post, especially since some new, and most interesting information has come to light! Thank you!

The Scythe of Elune was created by Belysra, a Priestess of Elune who is seen in Gilneas before the Shattering, and Ralaar Fangfire who was one of the elves to betray Malfurion's thought of banning the worgen form. He thought that he could keep the Goldrinn rage from consuming their worgen form by creating this. The end results were not as he intended. The Scythe transformed Ralaar and the others into true worgen, neither elf nor wolf.

Most of the rest is known from here. The War of the Satyr, taking shortly after the War of the Ancients, was fought with these hostile worgen. Unfortunately, the worgen bit through allies of the elves, too, causing the curse to spread. Malfurion banished them to the Emerald Dream, where they would eventually be summoned out by Velinde who, ironically, had the Scythe of Elune. Arugal also pulled worgen from the Dream, as well.

Again, thanks. I'll eventually clear this up in the beginning of this thread, as well!
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94 Night Elf Druid
Thank ya'. I guess that makes sense, having them be worgen now. Wielding a rapier ought to be odd.
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73 Night Elf Priest
Oh Suni, you and your betterment of roleplay kind...
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94 Night Elf Druid
Thank you! (Goodness, when I saw it was Highly Rated, I had a happy moment. xD)

Read this more! I hope it helps more worgen RPers with their backstories. ^.^
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61 Blood Elf Paladin
These are very good hints, and will give many new worgen a good sense of their situation.

My Worgen was a silversmith, but after the curse he made only weapons in order to pass the time off the battlefield.
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94 Night Elf Druid
Thank you, and cool! Happy roleplaying, worgen people.
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