Hello, my name is Rhorin. I RPd as a worgen before it was cool (early Wrath).
Rhorin Marken was a Gilnean, about 16 the year the wall was put up, in fact, he left before it's construction started, to get a different atmosphere, and to spread his small fur selling buisniness. He stayed in Lordaeron for a few years, finally attempting to return to Gilneas. Only, he found a huge wall in its stead. Saddened greatly, he felt the need to try to die (can you say emo?), and joined the Lordaeron army, hoping to get himself killed, but, he became a more cynical person, darker, no longer wishing to die.
He was one of the footmen who helped Arthas in
Stratholme, and inevitably the expedition to Lordaeron. Though, like Thassarian, he became a death knight. Though the "gift" of undeath came upon him as he returned to Lordaeron, in Northrend he found Arthas' errs, though it was too late. He parted ways with Arthas in the dead of night, sneaking away, though his way to Lordaeron was blocked, by large, wolflike beasts. He had not fully come into his death knight power, and was sill alive (and free from the Scourge).
Though his foes were many, he was able to fight them off. He was though, inevitably bitten, only once, though it was enough to curse him, and stop the flow of undeath to him. He fled to the repaired Stormwind, seeing it as his only option.
Today, Rhorin lives as a Gilnean in Stormwind, faking the accent of their people no longer, as the Gilneans came. He still, however, hides the curse that lie upon him, his will and alchemy enough to save him before his mind was lost, years before. He has joined an order of humans and worgen, fighting in Silverpine and Gilneas.
Note: I made this character before I read Lore, so I had no idea who Rhonin was.
Note 2: Don't flame me if this is Mary Sue, I'm just trying to fit in him being a living death knight (which HAS been proven plausible) with being a worgen. It makes most peoples' heads spin... Sadface.