4 Local Friends LF Horde Guild

90 Troll Hunter

I'm asking around looking for a great Horde guild. My girlfriend, two friends from work, and myself are looking for a guild that is active (our last guild leader logged in about once a month). We really are not picky and would just like to join a guild that is active and maybe in need of an occasional raiding alternate. We would really love to get involved in a 10-man group of which we can provide Tank, Heals, & DPS. We are mature players (30+ yrs old) who would love to find your guild as our home! We are very devoted to our guildies!

Between the 4 of us we have the following toons that we would consider moving to the right guild:

Priest: Heals
Shammy: DPS
Pally: Tank/dps
Hunter: RDPS
Mage: RDPS

I am currently an officer in our current guild and would be willing to take on similar responsibilities if needed. If the interest is there I'd even consider leading a raid group as long as it could consist of us 4.

If you are interested and would like to know more about us feel free to send me an in-game mail or whisper.

Thanks for considering!
Edited by Yago on 11/18/2010 8:14 PM PST
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90 Tauren Druid
Hi there!

<CSI Undercity> might be a good fit for you.

We are a semicasual raiding/social guild.

As a social guild, we have active members, usually at least 8-10 people online, and an active officership. I'm on at least 3-5 times a week, and our guild leader is on every day (even if he's not on WoW, he's almost always availible on Ventrilo if he's home). We prefer mature players, and we have a rule against admitting under-17s except in special circumstances.

The majority of the active membership are in their early 20s to mid 30s.

As a semicasual raiding guild, we enjoy progressing through the PvE content. Casual, because we don't treat raiding like a job: You'll never get yelled at, insulted, berated, or removed from the guild because of your raid performance. Semicasual because we do take it seriously, and (at least on my raids) don't baby people when they make a mistake. We tell you about your mistakes, and expect you to fix them, so that we can progress.

We are a strictly 10-man guild. Of course, with Cataclysm on the horizon, this week was our last week of raiding ICC-10H. We downed the Lich King, and managed to get 6/11 bosses down on heroic (DW, Gunship, Saurfang, Fester, Rot, and BQ). We will be recommencing raiding in Cataclysm around mid-April (that's my prediction, anyway, could be sooner or later, depending on how long it takes to level and get our toons geared in heroic dungeons).

You can find out additional info on our website: www.csiundercity.com

If you're interested, give one of our officers a holler in-game: Quaide (Guild Leader, alts: Grindor, Vewdew, Stalvan), Aziarathia (Alts: Priandra, Galadelwin), Surehoof (Alts: Finnicks, Midasinorlon).

Elder Surehoof Mistrunner
Assistant Director of <CSI Undercity>
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