((Val Edit: Shamelessly stolen from Araenna's post on the old forums. The original post of that is quoted below...))
((Stolen straight from the Horde one by Jarius Now that they stickied raid progression, let's try this again. Sticky requests, please.))
(( Welcome. Often comes the question of, "How is the role-playing on this server?" Well, I suppose people can always just wait for a recycled answer of, "We have a good amount of roleplayers, it's just up to you to find them." Yeah... You can do that, or what you can really do is look at this list and find people who are open to meeting other role-players. Based on my criteria, feel free to search through this thread to find the types of role-players you'd like your character to meet. A quick layout of your posts in here should look like this (please stick to this as well as possible).
Full name:
Position in society†:
Physical Description (abridged):
Marital Status:
Sexual Preference:
Blood line:
Role-playing weight class:
Role-playing status†**:
City of choice:
Leveling speed:
PvP preference (do it a lot?):
Weekly on-line schedule:
Introduction (a paragraph or two about yourself and what you hope to find on this server, may also include contact information if you are seeking other role-playing contacts.)
This criteria does contain a few things you may not like, or necessarily care about. But others may like to role-play with people who level quicker than others, or PvP a lot. Also I find people who role-play sometimes have a conflict of schedule, making it harder to enjoy role-playing.
*: Lord / Lady / Mister / Misses / Miss / etc.
**: Your heroic name, ex: John Doe "The Flaming Sun."
***: Link to age thread, (Draenei is not in this, Blood Elf ages are listed as High Elf.)
†: You can be free with this, either your political position, economical position, or status in the city. Ex: Vanished from the city, wealthy collector, etc.
†*: How others like you. Face being the crowd favorite and heel being the guy/gal everyone hates.
†**: Are you usually in-character? A story-teller? Majority rules, put what your usual situation is.
So, now that you've gone through the interrogation, I suppose I can only wish you all luck with meeting other role-players, and I hope this helps! ))