Need more space for titles!

100 Blood Elf Priest
This post originally titled, would anyone be interested in a guild like this?

Basically I wanted to for a low level high rp guild on the horde side. So we have people to level up the dog pile of alts that will be created. The base of the guild is at the end of warcraft 2 when all those portals were opened to other worlds turning outland into a dark ages version of asteroids, that some of the worlds that those portals led to came back through them into outland. After dealing with their....visitors. With the dark portal open these people can now come and visit Azeroth.

Enter the Silvamori. Traditinal wood elves from another world. They are hulderfolk elves if you are familiar with the term. This would be an elves only guild, which is why I think it would be an alt guild for many. While they will accept paladins seeing them as warriors, they will not accept warlocks dislikeing their form of magic. They will not actively hunt them, or chase them away, but they will not be accepted into the tribe.

The Silvamori were at the forefront of the defense of their own world when the orcs came tearing through the portal at the end of warcraft 2. They along with humans, dwarves and minotaurs killed the invadeing orc clans to the last man. The Silvamori are rather savage and went back through the portal after the outland had stabalised. They settled on a floating island south of Nagrand that was more or less still intact. Keeping a watch for more orcs to come by.

They pretty much lived there for the entire time the portal was closed. They tamed extremely large moths for their mounts. They avoided Garadar and scouted out the large landmass. They made tenative contacts with both the high elves of the alliance and the blood elves of the horde. They are neutral in the alliance/horde war. They are not in the horde military and are not subject to orders from anybody but their elders.

Having been given a home in Quel'thalas they work to protect and revitalise the area, includeing the ghostlands. While orcs are not KOS anymore almost all Silvamori dislike orcs immensely. They shun the forsaken finding them fairly creepy indivuals. They have a truce with the trolls and are the absolute best friends to the tauren with whom they share many values. They find the goblins materalistic and greedy.

While older, estalished personas can be adopted into the tribe I feel low level persona's with no real thought out backstory would fit in here rather well. We could all level as a clan. I think this would be a fairly interesting idea for a group. What do you all think?
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100 Orc Shaman
The idea of a close-knit levelling guild for new RP alts is always nice; however, why not try to come up with one that still fits in existing lore?
Edited by Oskor on 7/2/2012 1:53 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I thought it did actually. How would you change the idea so that it fit better? Have them stuck on their island when outland blew up or something and they could not get back? I don't think alliance elves back then were seperated into clans. I would have to find my old warcraft 2 stuff.
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100 Orc Shaman
I guess Warcraft history is pretty open-ended with the possibility of countless portals to other worlds, but the description you've got up right now still sort of seems like you're just trying to shoehorn elves from an entirely different game-world into this one.

One idea to keep a similar feel for the types of elves you're describing might be to make them a small splinter group that fled Quel'Thalas during the Troll Wars. Maybe they preferred to eke out a living in the forests rather than risk facing the Amani again. Maybe they were too ashamed of their initial flight to return to the city.

This concept would give you about 3000 years (depending on the timeline you look at) for them to live in the wilderness. I'd imagine they'd grow more feral and less open to outsiders.

Going this route, of course, you'd have to adjust their feelings toward the other races. They'd most likely still view trolls as their mortal enemies, etc.

Anyway, my point was, when you're playing in a preexisting game world with preexisting lore, it seems easier and more intuitive to come up with concepts that fit into it, without simply trying to shoehorn them in. If you're set on the ideas, however, you can easily come up with something that would fit more closely in lore.
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90 Tauren Shaman
*rubs eyes*

Totally read that wrong.. came here expecting this was about needing bigger bras.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Hmm how about a group who seperated after the crossing? The elves had allready started to change because they founded the sunwell. They didn't like how the high elves were getting all addicted to magic, problem with that would be we allready have that in night elves.
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100 Night Elf Priest
While more support would be appreciated by some, Huachuca, I am not certain the mod squad would appreciate that sort of content addition. :)
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85 Gnome Priest
I thought you meant titles, as in "Ambassador Crusader Harmacy the Light of Patient Dawn the Nightfall".

WTB that monstrosity.
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