The 12 Days of Winter Veil[A] Thank Yous!

100 Human Paladin
I just wanted to take a minute to express my thanks and gratitude for all of those who helped make these 12 days events possible, especially Thel who did a great deal of crafting and to Sizzle for the donation of one of the Sky Golems.

We had a lot of fun with this 12 day event and already have plans to make it better for next year.

Thank you all. The last of the gifts have been mailed out as well.
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100 Human Priest
It is we who should thank you for putting this on. Admittedly, this time of year is...somewhat difficult for me, and has been for a long time (more so in light of recent events here at home), but I definately looked forward to this event for each day.

So thank you, Conclave, and I hope we see you again next year. (Most likely on Draenor!)
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